I'm Ruby:

854 13 4


Another Monday.


You wake up and automatically get blinded by the rays of sunlight bursting through the window.

You roll over and grab your phone, realising the time.

10:00 am

Rushing to not be late, you run around the house, chucking on clothes, looking half decent as you double check yourself in the mirror as you grab tour keys and run out the door.

You finally make it to the shoot and you run into the room, hoping no one noticed your were late.

Luckily, everyone was rushing around too and you could just sneak in and start working.

As you were setting up the camera, someone tapped your shoulder.

"Hey" She said. Her heavy Australian accent bleeding into the American accent perfectly.

You turn around slowly and were breathtaken by what you saw.

Her hair was short, brown and perfectly separated. Her eyes were a greeny gray colour and glistened in the light.

Everything about her was perfect.

"H..Hey" You stutter, not being able to find the words to say.

"I'm Ruby. Ruby Rose Langenheim"

Ruby Rose imagines                                            Where stories live. Discover now