The Great Slime-Shell Victory

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          It was another day in the lair, and it was boring. Leo and Donnie were out on a mission and wouldn't be back until the morning, Splinter was meditating in his room, and who knew what Raph was doing.

          With a sigh Mikey plopped on the couch in front of the TV. Grabbing the remote, he flipped through the channels. Nothing. He pulled out the video game bin, but nothing looked interesting.

          He groaned, flinging his arms above his head in a stretch before flopping backward onto a bean bag chair. "Bleh..."

          Blandly he wondered what to do. Maybe he'd make himself something to eat. He walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Nope. Nothing. Not even pizza seemed appealing.


          What did he just catch himself thinking?

          Mikey clapped his hands on either side of his head, eyes wide. "What am I thinking?!" he cried in alarm. "Not being interested in pizza? WHAT IS WRONG WITH MEEEEEH?!"


          Blam! With one last kick, the training dummy flew off its hanger and slammed into the wall.

          Raph straightened, panting slightly. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand before going to retrieve the dummy.

          Once it was hung up on its hook again, he went off to freshen up.

          Ten minutes later, Raph's stomach was grumbling. Might as well see what was in the fridge.

          But what met his eyes when he wandered to the kitchen made him stop and stare, trying to process what was happening.

          Pizza ingredients were spread messily across the entire table, multiple dishes were sizzling on the stove, the fridge and freezer were hanging open, Ice Cream Kitty was yowling about who-knows-what, and Mikey was scrambling around in some kind of panic as he seemed to attempt everything at once.

          Raph blinked once. Twice. Then shouted. "ENOUGH ALREADY!"

          Most of the noise stopped. Both Ice Cream Kitty and Mikey froze and stared at him blankly.

          Raph rubbed his forehead with one hand, trying to avoid the headache that was already on its way. "Okay... what is going on?!"

          "It's terrible dude!" Mikey shouted instantly, "I was super bored, and I wanted to make something to eat. I looked at the fridge, but nothing looked tasty! NOT EVEN PIZZA BRO! THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME!"


          Mikey rubbed the back of his now aching head and chuckled nervously at the glare Raph was sending him. "Right. Sorry bro. Anyway... I knew I had to make pizza interesting again! So I did this! I'm making up a new recipe, yo!" He pumped a fist, and Raph shook his head with a sigh. "...'Kay."

          Saying this would be stating the obvious, as everyone had known it since the turtles were born, but...

          Mikey was weird.


          The orange-clad turtle hummed a little tune as he moved around the kitchen, giving in to his sporadic nature as he hopped around one moment, then did a little dance move the next.

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