A Shipping Yard Ghost Story

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Sorry this was a day late everyone! With it being Halloween yesterday, I was pretty busy :/ Also, this chapter was longer than the other one. But I've updated now! Also, please read the A/N at the end of the chapter :) I've got a pretty important notice there. Thanks, and please enjoy this Halloween Special! :D

Halloween was rolling around, and Casey Jones couldn't wait. He had saved up all his decorations and prank supplies for it. His target... his best friends.

When his selected day finally rolled around (about a week before Halloween night), he had everything ready. He stealthily planted a note in a place any of the turtles could find it, then ran off to add the final details and get into position.


Just a final touch, Donatello thought as he concentrated, determined to get this right. He held the eyedropper delicately over his serum. One more drop than necessary, and the whole thing could explode.

He narrowed his eyes, subconsciously sticking his tongue out in concentration, gently squeezed the dropper, aand...!

"DUDE!" Mikey shouted, barging into the room.

Donnie cried out in surprise, fumbling the serum. A little extra liquid than necessary squeezed out of the dropper, and the serum began to bubble. "TAKE COVER!" Don screamed in a panic, shoving Mikey under the desk before lunging in himself.

A moment later, an explosion could be heard from the dojo, where Leo, Raph, and April were sparring. At the ground-shaking noise, they all looked up in surprise. Then, with a glance at each other, they rushed to see what was wrong.

The result was pretty awful. Pieces of charred junk were littered everywhere. Puddles of orange liquid were spattered across the ground and the walls, sizzling. With a groan Donnie crawled out from under his desk, rubbing his head. "Is- is everyone ok?" he asked weakly, his voice wavering a bit.

Mikey rolled into view and lay on his shell, miraculously avoiding the acidic orange mess. "I think my brain is fried..."

Raph shook his head and snorted. "Your brain has always been fried."

Leo stared distastefully at one of the puddles, gripping his sword as if he wanted to poke at the liquid, but was too afraid to do so. "What... happened... here, exactly?" he asked hesitantly, his eyes never leaving their fixed spot on the floor.

Donnie then proceeded to explain some long and complicated scheme of chemicals involving crazy words that nobody could understand.

He paused when he noticed them staring at him blankly. He facepalmed.

"Basically I was mixing some very delicate chemicals when MIKEY HERE -" he clenched his fists, shouting momentarily before resuming his explanation "- came in and screwed it up!"

Everyone blinked once, before giving a collective response. "Ohhhhhhhhhh..."

Inwardly Donnie facepalmed a second time. Why was he the only smart one in a family of idiots? Except for April, but that was a different story. Of course, she wasn't family! Well, she sort of was, but she was more like a friend. Otherwise he wouldn't be able to like her! Well he would but-

"Donnie, helloooo, Earth to Donnie!"

Leo's voice broke into the purple turtle's thoughts, interrupting his mental tangent.

Sheepishly he rubbed the back of his neck. "S- sorry I didn't hear that. What were you asking?"

Leo shook his head. "I didn't ask you anything. You were just all spaced out for a second. I did ask Mikey how he messed it up though."

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