Pretty Flower For A Pretty Lady

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(No One's Pov)

     You took turns walking with each of the boys as the four of you made your way through the Frozen Forest, which now that you think about it, it isn't really cold as the name implies. Matter of fact, it was moderately warm. Maybe around 80 degrees or so (Fahrenheit).     

     At the moment you were walking along side with Boris, holding his hand as you did so. This caused him to be hunched over as he walked, it didn't really bother him too much. At this point, all of you had been walking for a good while, about a little over an hour. Up until now, you were silent as you walked. That was until you spotted a very vibrant and colorful flower. You gasped and pointed at it, slightly tugging on the tall wolfs hand. "Look! Look!" You exclaimed, trying to drag him towards it. The other two slowed down in their tracks once they saw Boris going along with you to go check it out. He let go of your hand as you ran up to it. Your jaw dropped in aw as you took a closer look at the flower. 

     Gorgeous, soft petals with cool shades of blues and greens dancing across them. It wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. You were about to pick it when a big hand wrapped around your fore arm. "Don't touch it until you know it's safe, right?" Boris reminded you, releasing your hand. He knelt down and took a whiff of the flower to ensure there wasn't any funny business going on. Once he confirmed that it was okay, he picked it and stuck it behind your ear. "There you go, all nice and pretty!" He said, giving a sweet smile. "Yay!" You exclaimed before running over to Abel, who was making conversations with Bendy. 

     You gently tugged on one of his large wings to get his attention. He turned to meet your gaze as you pointed at the flower embedded behind your ear. "Oh wow, (Y/n)! That's an awfully pretty flower you have there." He complimented. Bendy came up behind him and did the same. "A pretty little flower for a pretty little lady!" The demon added. You gave them an ear-to-ear smile. 

     Meanwhile, Boris stayed back where the flower once grew. A very faint snapping sound was made off in the distance. He cocked his head in the direction of the sound, ears adjusting as well. Narrowing his gaze, he didn't see nothing. "Hmph.." Was all he could make out. The wolf was unconvinced that there was 'nothing' there, but he simply shrugged it off for now. 

     After that, he rejoined the group. "We should get going, we'll need to find somewhere to set up camp before too long." He said, wanting to get the group away from this area. "Why don't we just set up here?" Abel asked. "I'm just picking up some bad vibes from this area, that's all." He explained in a serious tone. The angel nodded and picked you up. "Let's get going then." He said in agreement. With that, the group had set off once more in hopes to find a spot to set up camp for the night.

_Sorry for the short chapter, this is kind of a filler for something big coming up. There may or may not be a few of these chapters, so keep an eye out. Also, don't forget to go and check out the new book I've began! If you feel as if these small chapters wont satisfy your need to read, then go check out "Rebellious Relations" on my page._

_See you all next chapter!_

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