..The Introduction..

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(Your Pov)

   You woke up on a cold metal floor. It took a moment, but you remembered exactly what happened. "Mnn.." you groaned as you propped yourself up on one elbow and rubbing your head. You heard a "Psst" from across the pitch black void of the room. You ignored it, thinking that it was just in your head. But then you heard it again. "Pssssst" this time you looked over in the direction the sound was coming from. "Hey, can you hear me?" a mysterious male voice asked. You pointed at yourself confused as you tried to seek him in the pitch black room. "Yeah, you. Im over here" the male voice beckoned through the darkness once again. All of a sudden you saw a a bright yellow and circular light. Shining bright like a star, it revealed a black and white, toonish face. "Im Abel, Abel The Angel" he spoke in a soft tone while giving a sweet smile. "What's your name?" he asked. "..(Y/n)..." you replied weakly. You wanted to move towards Abels light so bad because you were horrified by the dark but you couldnt move one bit thanks to the heavy spherical weight chaned to your ankle. So instead to just hugged your knees and buried your face in your arms. "Hm..you ok kid?" Abel asked. "Dont like.. dark..." you tried with a bit of shakiness in your voice. Abel added a little "hm.." before striking an idea. "Just stand up and roll that weight slowly towards me, and by slowly i mean slowly. I dont want them to hear us.." Abel warned you. So you did as Abel said and stood up and turned to push the weight, you had to put all of your body weight into rolling it towards him. It took you a while but you made and and sat down panting. "Good. Now could you do me a favor?" Abel asked. You nodded in return. "Do you think you could untie my hands?" Abel asked as he turned with his feet, revealing hks tied up hands. You nodded in response. With what little light was provided from Abels glowing halo, you had managed to untie/loosen the knot just enough for him to pull them free. Abel sighed in relief as he rubbed his wrists. "Good job" Abel said as he unlocked the chain around your ankle "Now, stand on my shoulders and untie my wings". You nodded and Abel picked you up and stood you up on his shoulders. Struggling to keep your balance you tried to reach the rope. You nearly fell. This left you no choice but to jump for it. It felt as if time had slown down. As you extended your arms and closed your eyes, you had hoped to grab something, amd you did! You seemed to have grabbed hold of a strand of rope and you slowly dropped to the floor while pulling the knot free, releasing Abels wings. He then stretched out his wings for a few seconds then folded them back behind his back. "Much better, thanks kid" Abel thanked you, you nodded and smiled lightly in response.
   You both suddenly heard a banging on the metal door "QUIET IN THERE YOU TWO!!" yelled what seemed to be a guard. Both of you immediately shut your yaps but then silently snickered. Then after a while of sitting down and being quite, you kind of enjoyed the simple light from Abels halo and the quite. Though you were absolutely horrified of the dark, you weren't scared as much and you felt safe because you were with Abel.
   Sitting in cold, dead, silence, Abel flinched as he felt a limp weight lying on his lap. He looked down to see that it was you who had seemed to pass out on his lap. Abel chuckled softly and smiled as he gently moved your hair out of your face. The light within his halo had dimmed then disappeared slowly. In your sleep you felt a chill go up your spine from the crisp (cold) air, causing you to curl into a ball still laying on Abels lap. He looked down at you the second he felt you move and had noticed that you were clearly cold. This brought an imaginary lightbulb float above Abels head. Abel slowly moved his large wing and gently placed it over you as if it were a blanket. He noticed as you stopped tensing up and then smiled in your sleep. A few moments later after Abel watching over you to make sure that you were ok now, Abel soon fell asleep as well while sitting up and hunched over a bit.

  This took too long, im sorry for the wait my beautiful readers, but thinking and writing takes time. A lot of time. Anywho, thanks for tuning in on this chapter of "Daddy's Little Angel" (P.s, you'll be finding out why the title says what it says soon enough, just be patient ;3) see you in the next one!

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