Chapter 22- 'let's ignore Destiny' Day

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On Monday, after a very long.. boring and uneventful weekend, it was time to get back to school. I spent the whole weekend reading over that note that I had picked up from the bottom of my shoe, What did it mean? and was my assumption of Jason being Trouble correct?

I made my way downstairs slowly to see that mum standing in the kitchen,
"Morning" She said with a delightful smile along her lips,  
"Good... morning..?" I said in a confused tone as I  thought they weren't coming home until the next day. I walked over to the counter as she slid me a container that contained salad.

"thanks..? I thought you and dad weren't coming home until tomorrow.." I said unsurly as I slowly slipped it into my bag,
"oh, your fathers sick.." Mum sighed loudly as the microwave dinged and she walked over, pulling out a  heat pack. 

"Is he okay?" I asked in a worried tone as dad only ever got sick once in a blue moon and when he got sick, he was really sick. 
"oh yeah, just a fever-" we were cut off by the sound of dad coughing loudly.
"I suggest you get out of the house in case you wanna catch whatever he's got.." I chuckled slightly before planting a kiss on her cheek and making my way out the door. 

By the time I reached school it was once again bucketing down with rain, I shudder slightly as I took the key from the ignition and slipped on my jacket. As soon as I stepped out of my car it was a mad dash to shelter, I ran, covering the top of my head with my school bag. I ran straight to my locker and stood there for a couple of seconds catching my breath. 

I looked into the distance to see Jess laying in the centre of the school oval in the pouring rain, she absolutely loved the rain.. I don't know why.. or how.. but she just did. I turned to my locker and began sorting out my books when I noticed Trouble (or Jason..) Standing in the corner looking out into thin air. This was my chance to get to the bottom of this. 

"Trouble.." I said, waving my arms around, trying to get his attention. He just stood there, daydreaming. 
"Trouble!" I said a little louder, slamming my locker door shut. Sure, I could of walked over there but he was standing right near where it was raining and he was standing in the only shaded spot.

"TROUBLE!" I screamed, growing frustrated, I knew he could hear me by the slight smirk pulling at the corner of his lips, 
"I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!" He still stood there trying his hardest not to pull a cheeky smirk. I rolled my eyes and went back into my locker, giving up on him for the time being but when I looked back over to where he was standing, he was gone. 
'Darn it..' I thought to myself while I stamped my feet like a 2 year old child having a hissy fit.

During science Trouble came and sat next to me, being a total idiot as per usual but something seemed different about him, something seemed off. I couldn't pick what.
"Can we use the burny thing again? please please please!" He pleaded as we were once again in the labs, 
"It's called a bunsen burner!" I groaned in frustration as I set up today's prac. 
"Can we use the bunsen burner?!" He was constantly asking this question.
"No." I blurted bluntly,
"You're no fun.." He murmured. After that he gave me the silent treatment for the rest of the lesson like the mature 17 year old he is.

After the teacher had dismissed the class, Trouble didn't hesitate to leave the room, I stood up quickly and followed him, now was my chance and I wasn't going to let it slip away. I tried to catch up with him as he was walking pretty fast. 
"Trouble.. I need to talk with you" I said, I knew he could hear me and I knew he was still ignoring me.
'this should be fun..' I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes. 

"Trouble seriously.." I could see he was grinning cheekily by the sides of his cheeks. 
"Trouble listen to me." He pushed a few kids into the wall as he walked passed them and of coarse, being the kind person I am, I apologised for him.

He thought that he could lose me by walking around in circles, but that wasn't the case, I was going to find out why he was crying by the end of the day, and that was a challenge I was willing to accept.
"Tr-" I was cut off by Jess jumping infront of me, stopping me in my tracks.

She had a large grin on her face, mascara running down her cheeks from the rain and her hair soaking wet. 
"Come and dance in the rain with me!" she giggled, gripping her wet hand around my wrist, I laughed slightly
"You know I wont do it.."
"You're no fun!" She said folding her arms, I laughed a little louder
"Surprisingly, that isn't the first time I've heard that today.."
"Just come out into the rain with me for like 10 seconds!" I rolled my eyes
"My dad's already sick, mum will probably catch what he's got and I don't want to come home with a cold!" she rolled her eyes before spotting another friend and running off in their direction.
Once again, I had lost Trouble, This was going to be harder than I had expected.   

During math I noticed Trouble walk by the window and shot straight up,
"Is there a problem Destiny?" The teacher asked, placing the text book onto the table slowly.
"I just.. I just really.. REALLY gotta.. use the bathroom" I said, my brain quickly making up an excuse and my mouth soon following.
"oh.. well you should've raised your hand" He said with a stern look on his face before letting be go to the 'bathroom'

I ran over to Trouble and as soon as he caught a glimpse of me he began walking away, thinking it was all a massive game of 'let's ignore Destiny'
"Trouble i'm sick of chasing you around the school, I just need to talk to you!" I said with an annoyed tone in my voice, I knew he could tell I was getting ticked off, it was obvious by the cheeky expression on his face.

I rolled my eyes and kept on following him, hoping that he would actually stop and turn around to tell me to go away. but he didn't. 

I was walking around, following him, feeling the anger build up inside me like hot lava ready to explode. Why couldn't he just stop walking so I could talk to him! I was so close to walking away when I came up with an idea. 

"Trouble!" I yelled out once last time, hoping that he would turn around and just let me ask him the simple 'I saw you crying, are you okay?' question. I groaned loudly as he did no respond, he Just kept on walking like nothing phased him. 

"oh my god just turn around.." I muttered to myself as I tried to catch up with him. that's when my idea fell into place. 

"Jason!" I yelled standing there, catching me breath. 
He stopped dead in his tracks and I could tell he wasn't too pleased.

 what have I gotten myself into?


i am so sorry it took so long to upload!
a) I had no ideas on what to write!
b) My Internet shut down
c) my wattpad kept deleting me stuff again!

forgive me? 

They Call Him Trouble (a Jason Mccann love story)Where stories live. Discover now