know? stuff and mic

53 1 9

Spirit880 asks everyone if they want to meet a inappropriate, teal Australian Bonnie who wears glasses.

Everyone: no. We know who that is.

Lolcram11: I'm not letting him here.

WerefoxWerewolf dares a group to stuff a random person down the street.

Springtrap: we can't. We're f*cking ferrets. If you turn us back we'll do it.

ARMYBTSFANDREAMS dates everyone to drop the mic and say "MIC DROP BAM"

Everyone: *does so* MIC DROP BAM!

Lolcram11: ...I swear that died off years ago. Make sure to Ask or Dare and Vote!

Foxy: we're home! *Lands* it's so much harder when were ferrets!

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