revenge..? blind kissing game and stay

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fnafdemon dares the chicas to take revenge by torturing them with horror movies.

Everyone: *okay with it/enjoying it*

Chica: ....this is the worst way to have revenge against these people.

Toy chica: I got this. *Puts on Justin Bieber movies*

Everyone: AHH!! My eyes!!

Lilbeamer01 dares everyone to play the blind kissing game.

Yendo: so is this a blindfold thing or lights out.

Lolcram11: ...both....


Lolcram11: ? Who did everyone kiss?

Toy freddy: because of most of us being used to the dark, our lovers.

Jeremy: I kissed a wall because why not.

Mike: I did nothing...

Everyone else: kissed ourselves.

Lolcram11: did you follow me by my scent?

Tunia: yeah :P

ARMYBTSFANDREAMS dares lolcram to let bloody painter stay for 2 chapters.

Lolcram11: bloody painter?

Bloody Painter: you called?

Lolcram11: ...*looks him up* ah... A serial killer who's had a tough past.

Bloody Painter: yep. And let me just say how nice it was for me to stay.

Lolcram11: I don't fall for two faces easily. Mainly because I know a few, lived with one, and work with these killer animatronics so... Have fun.

Bloody painter: ...what?

Every animatronic: *looking at him with black eyes and white pupils*

Lolcram11: wonder how he would survive here. Mainly because I never heard of him until now. Make sure to Ask or Dare and Vote!

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