Writer's Block Hates Virginia

16 7 7

Williamsburg, Virginia

Writer's Block: Where am I this time?

Girl: Virginia.

Writer's Block: What?! Why do I keep coming back here? Why does it have to be Virginia?

freedomgirl007: Maybe, because you have business with the Joneses?

Writer's Block: Who?

freedomgirl007: Never mind. Forget I said anything. This is Williamsburg, by the way.

Writer's Block: Whoever is writing this story, take me out of Virginia, now!

AnimeGirly14: Dude, it's the author's choice, where you end up! Not your call to make!

Writer's Block: I better not come back to VA, again!

AnimeGirly14: Ahem!

Writer's Block: Right, it's the author's choice where I wind up. Got it.

This story was written on Thursday, October 17th, 2019.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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