Writer's Block In Alabama

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Mobile, Alabama

Writer's Block: Where am I, this time? Who's the author around here? Where do you keep sending me?

Woman: *heavy southern accent* You're in Alabama!

Writer's Block: Alabama?!

Woman: Yes, Alabama!

Writer's Block: So, I'm in the Deep South?

Woman: Mm hmm!

Writer's Block: What's so good about Alabama? What is there to do around here?

Jeffrey: See the Dixie Chicks, I guess!

Writer's Block: Jeffrey, what are you doing here?

Jeffrey: Somehow, I ended up here in Alabama. Don't ask why, cause I don't know.

Writer's Block: It's probably the author, whoever he or she is.

Jeffrey: My thoughts, exactly.

This story was written on Thursday, November 14th, 2019.

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