6. Behind the Walls

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        THE NEWLY ACQUAINTED CASUALLY moved through the fifteen-foot high halls, a labyrinth of interconnected avenues aligned with antique linens and weaponry, countless oil paintings mounted on grey stone walls. Urielle highlighted the diverse historical relevancy of the wide variety of antique furniture and artefacts, suits of armour and sculptures along the way. Most of her words fell on a distracted mind, as Samael's lecture echoed in his head like a broken record, though, it was fairly easy to digest so much information with such a lovely companion, he felt.

    The clouds had all but cleared, and bright rays of morning sun beamed through the stone arched windows of brass meshing along the way, the odd colourful hue of stained glass here and there.

    'What would make Samael believe that God has two sexes?' Michael probed, hoping she could shine some light on one many lingering thoughts. 'I mean, is this a common belief in this household?'

    'To understand, you must see the Holy Trinity for what it truly is. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are often confused as a singular being, a theme doctored by the Council of Nicaea, of course. This is the original group of politicians and scholars who decided what goes and what stays, when putting together the original book, if you recall. You'll find similar claims in the Gnostic books of Thomas, Mary Magdalene and the like.'

    'Wait, Mary Magdalene had her own book?'

    'Well she was there at the crucifixion, after all; not to mention she was by Jesus' side most of the time. To this day, the papacy still claims them as heresy, even though they were written first hand by those closest to the savior, claiming that Gnostics were the worst of people; a campaign designed to discredit their political enemies, and cover their own mistakes. All bullshit, of course.'

    'Fake news . . . even back then?' Michael chuckled.

    'A political game as old as government itself.' she confirmed. 'The Gnostic scriptures reveal much of what the Council of Nicaea sought to remove; one particular revelation pertaining to the Holy Spirit as a mother of sorts. The Holy Trinity is first and foremost, a family, Michael. Christianity can be seen as a polytheist belief, depending on your perspective; monotheist if you count the whole family as a single entity.'

    'That's a strange way of looking at it.' he stared into nothingness for a moment. A then vision flashed in his memory of a war-beaten Lucifer approaching who Michael assumed was God, bewildered when the heavenly form split into three being on three separate thrones.

    'The Father, the loving but firm hand of discipline; the Mother a nurturing and compassionate empathy that only a mother can give; and of course, the Sonor Jesus as most would recognize him. He is the neophyte of the three, the constantly learning being of knowledge; a hybrid of both discipline and compassion, yet born as a flesh and bone. It really is quite moving when you think about it. These truths are set upon humanity naturally, yet so many look down upon women because of it.'

    'How so?'

    'Well, the Vatican's clear issue with women in general seems innate, built into the very foundation of Catholicism itself. Within their hierarchy, women are not recognized as valuable in any form of authoritative position. Have you even heard of a female priest, bishop or pope?'

    'Just nuns, as far as I know.' he shrugged.

    'Yet if you read through the bible, any time the Holy Spirit is mentioned, it's always as a nurturing entity, clearly mother-like. The Council of Nicaea were sure to take out any reference of a female likeness. By doing so, they began a long and strenuous battle for women across the known world. Before Catholic rule spread throughout Europe, there was no government; I mean the church was it. With its heavy influence upon the masses, women became a joke in authoritative discussions. A woman has no place of authority in Catholicism, and so, they hold no place of authority throughout history, since its inception.'

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