13. Soul Responsibility

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                 THE NEXT MORNING, A lighthearted student arrived in the kitchen after the servants had finished making breakfast. They seemed a rather strange bunch, never caught in the midst of actually making food, but merely delivering. As one politely nodded and went about his day, he noted a complete lack of personality, and it was then that Michael realized that none of them had ever actually spoken aloud, at least not in front of him anyways. Each of them seemed properly groomed, freshly shaven and never a single hair out of place—suits pressed that very morning and always with a neutral smile that was neither joyous nor otherwise. As the barely-human servant wandered out of the room, he and his colleagues left behind a respectable spread of fresh fruits, vegetables, yogurts, and other organic breakfast foods.

    Michael seemed to be the first one to make his way out of bed this time around, which seemed rather odd as the kitchen was always bustling this time of the morning. Assuming he was going to need lots of energy that day, he proceeded to stuff himself to the point of bursting while reading one of many newspapers stacked as the centerpiece of the kitchen table.

    There seemed nothing of note as far his general interest was concerned, and even though he wasn't the type to show interest in the entertainment section of any newspaper, the lack of company that morning had him eyeing up highlights of a star-studded gala opening in Los Angelos the previous day. One of the smaller pictures displayed a well-known musician who had been mentioned in conversation recently. Stevie Nicks could be seen walking the red carpet in her usual flowing white shawl and fashionable dress of silk, feather and lace. As this was the only story he felt it worthy of actually reading, Michael decided to keep himself entertained while he enjoyed his breakfast.

    "Rock'n'Roll legend Stevie Nicks was seen walking the red carpet at this year's Gala, fashionably dressed in tradition of her timeless French Quarter style. Ms. Nicks, though usually accommodating to the press, had unfortunately refused to answer our pressing questions, particularly pertaining to long term friend and former roadie, Harris Hangman. The former Stagehand-turned-Lead guitarist and Music Producer is currently missing, wanted for questioning in regards to the death of his most recent client and rumoured lover, Chelsea Ellis."

    Michael froze at the mention of the familiar names. It appeared that Chelsea, the singer he had gotten to know for a single night, and apparently possessed by the demon Leviathan was somewhat of a big deal on the music scene. Remembering her well, there was a sense of mourning that followed, now knowing that she was an up-and-comer, and had met her demise just as she was bursting onto the scene. He hated Leviathan for what she had done to her, recalling all too well the night he met the talented singer in the El Macombo, feeling an instant sense of likability—perhaps even a spark between them. She was gone now, left for dead and viscously mutilated and left by a riverside trail to fester in the winter air. He let out a mournful sigh and kept reading.

    The rising star had been scheduled to join metal legend Ozzy Osborne on tour this summer, but plans were cancelled abruptly when her remains were discovered along a riverside trail in Toronto just over a month ago. A flourishing and curious fan base still mourns her passing, calling for an in-depth investigation into Hangman's alleged involvement in the singer's mysterious death. The official cause of death, authorities claim to be an animal attack of sorts, has sparked countless online conspiracies as to the true nature of what fans are sure was a cold-blooded murder, seeing as downtown Toronto has not been home to any animals possibly large enough or remotely capable of such brutality for well over fifty years.

    What nobody seems to be talking about, including Ms. Nicks, are Chelsea's family relations, however. According to official police reports, her older sister Meredith had vanished not long before her demise, following the mysterious death of her only son, Chelsea's own nephew, James. Some insiders speculate that the sister had tragically lost her mind and murdered her own son, then finally tracked down and finished off her younger sister Chelsea in a fit of madness, but the evidence supporting such a theory is sketchy at best. For now, the mysterious circumstances involving the singer's death remain hidden to the public, and until Harris Hangman and Meredith Rhoads are found and interrogated, we might never know why the beloved artist had perished so suddenly and tragically in our beloved city.

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