The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage

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{Such a long, bothersome title.}

{But, I rather like it.}

{Because it's true...}

{By the way, did you like the little net I spun for Lily?}

{Poor dear, she must have been so confused. Of course, there's at least an eighty percent chance that she'll still show up tomorrow in the hackroom.}

{But there is zero percent chance that she'll win..}


{Now, I shall continue the story for you pitiful little readers. I believe that Lily had a little chapter on the Ancients planned here, so perhaps I should give a quick recap first. Hmmm?}

{Very well. The manuscript is quite long, and I suppose extremely epic and interesting, but the gist of it seemed to be this: /Panor/ died and left a cryptic message scratched into the floor that read like this: ror rim eht dnih eb seil leg na eht. Yes, very exciting.}

{Anyways, back to the original story about me killing Lily.}

{The idiotic little girl stumbled right into the spider's cunning trap.}

{And the spider watched as she became more and more ensnared in its sticky but wonderfully soft threads.}

{Eventually, she realized what had happened and tried to cut her way free.}

{But her sword and shield were just out of reach.}

{If only she could get to them....}

{But, of course, she couldn't.}

{So the spider bound them up in a soft little bundle and took them away...}

{The little beast fought the web, of course.}

{But the web's strands had barbs in them, and they tore at the little flower's precious skin.}

{This, however, was but a flesh wound. The heroine would soon encounter far more pain, oh yes.}

{For the web was only to preserve the food. It would be eaten later, still alive.}

{Still screaming.}

{Just like that scribe earlier, I suppose. Yes, just like that.}

{And so, the spider watched as the little lily became ensnared in her net and lost conciousness.}

{Then, the spider wrapped her up.}

{She would make quite a tasty dinner.}

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