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     I creep along the side of the wall, body pressed up against the side praying that no one will notice me. My fingers grip around to sharp knife in my hands. The sharp blade gleams in the moonlight as it shakes ever so slightly.
     Get a grip if you are ever gonna pay off your granfather's debt you have to do jobs like these. I think to myself.
     This seems to calm down my shaking hands ever so slightly. As I reach the end of the wall my hands grip more tightly around the knife.
     Deep breath Yugi.
     I turn the corner to see the notorious crime lord asleep in his bed. Without thinking my hands plunge the knife deep inside his heart. As his breathing stops I pull the knife out in one swift motion and turn to jump out off the balcony.
     As I land my heart throbs knowing that I had just taken a humans life. Sure he was a bad man who killed many people, yet how did that justify my actions of killing him. I did it for my own selfish purposes the amount of money offered was too much to give up, and my small and slim body made me the perfect inconspicuous assasin.
     My legs take me running through the streets in the middle of the night not even knowing where they will take me, trusting they know the way. I stop at my home and start climbing the ladder to the roof. When I reach the top I sit my feet dangling over the edge overlooking the city.
     The knife still clutched tightly in my hands has blood dripping on it. Without thinking I mark a small x on my chest. My blood draws from the wound as his blood and my blood mixes on the tip of the knife. As a reminder that the human life I have just taken will stay with me forever. Tears bead the rims of my eyes as I let out a soft wail. For what seems like hours I sit there and cry my body unwilling to do anything else.
   My first job as an assasin will not be my last.

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