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So far navigating this large palace has been farley simple. I just try to blend in, walking with a purpose so I look like I have a job to do. As I near his bedroom I over hear two maids talking.

"He hasn't left his room for weeks," the one says, "Nobody is aloud in there except his advisors."

"Ever since his guard vanished," the other one replied, "Do you think that maybe he poisoned him?"

I rush past in a hurry to get away from them in fear of being recognized, which places me directly in front of my old bedroom door.

Entering, I pray to the gods that there isn't someone in there or my entire plan would crumble. Luckily the room looks the exact same as I left it. Funny I would think that there would have been a replacement by now. My plan is to wait in here until nighttime when I can enter his room and find a hiding spot to guard him without being noticed. God I sound like such a stalker.

I hide under the small bed until nighttime incase someone decided to come in they wouldn't catch me. Occasionally I will hear a mumble of someone talking next door but for the most part all I hear is silence. When I decide that no sane person would be up at this time I slowly and carefully exit from my hiding spot under the bed.

The door separating his room from mine is cracked open. I push the door open and tip toe into his room. Suddenly I hear a soft moan come from his bed.

"Are you another one of those doctors they keep sending me?" a weak tired voice asks, "Because I can assure you the only sickness I feel cannot be fixed with medicine."

I freeze shocked not knowing how to react to having been caught.

"Well not exactly," I reply shyly.

"That voice...," he mumbles in obvious shock.

I hear the sound of a match being lit and then I see the beautiful sight of his face. Gods i've missed him. He looks as if he hasn't slept in weeks or left his bed as he stares at me in shock.

Finally he opens his mouth to speak, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE YUGI!" he screams as he starts to throw decorative pillows at me, "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH PAIN IVE BEEN IN SINCE YOU LEFT? I THOUGHT WE LOVED EACH OTHER!" he continues to throw a stream of endless pillows at me. "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I SEARCHED FOR YOU, DO YOU YUGI? WHY WOULD YOU LIE TO ME AND THEN JUST LEAVE? ARE YOU HERE TO KILL ME OR SOMETHING?" He continues to rage for a couple more moments before the pillows stop and he starts to calm down a bit.

"They... they... killed him," I start to choke out on the verge of tears.

His tone softens, "Who did they kill?"

"The person who hired me to kill you, they killed my grandfather," I start to sob, "I couldn't do anything to stop them. It's all my fault."

His facial expression immediately turns from one with much violence and hatred to sympathetic and understanding.

"Come here," he tells my gently.

I walk to the side of his bed and he pulls me down with him. He hugs me close to his body where my head is up against his chest and he holds the back of it. My tears engulf me and I let it all out, because for the first time in a while I don't feel alone. Atem lets me cry for hours as he simply strokes my head and presses me close to him enclosing me in his warmth and love.

Finally, when I have no tears left to cry I pull away to look at into beautiful eyes.

"I'm sorry I always feel like I cry around you," I tell him, "I really don't deserve you." 

"Don't you dare say that," he says enraged as he sits up on the bed, "Don't be sorry for having a natural human response and definitely don't say you don't deserve me. I'm not an angel myself I get angered easily and you are the kindest most caring person I have ever known. So yes you do deserve me, I'm the one who doesn't deserve you."

I get a good look at his face for the first time and realize how much weight he's lost in the past couple weeks. His cheeks are colorless and hollow and his eyes sink into the sockets. He probably thinks the same thing when looking at me, I definitely have not been eating  properly these past couple weeks.

"I'm so sorry for leaving you," I tell him grabbing his hand and looking deep into his eyes.

"You are forgiven, just never do it again," he tells me very seriously as he kisses my hand in a regal way only he could pull off.

I pull him by his collar so that his face is only inches away from mine, "I love you so much," I whisper as I close the distance between us and kiss him gently on the lips.

He pulls away and smiles, "I love you too my little Yugi."

Atem then returns my kiss with a different more passionate kiss then my soft gentle one. It feels very similar to our first kiss only there is more energy and meaning to it. I simply let him take control and melt into the moment wishing we could stay like this forever. 

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