Mustang and Joaquin

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I woke up to a knock at the door sitting up I notice Sweets wasn't next to me. I groan and notice a note sitting next to me.
Hey hun I had some stuff I needed to do. Joaquin is here I didn't want to leave you alone and he didn't want to stay at his with everything going on. I will see you when I get home.
I smiled at the note before grabbing one of his shirts and putting it one. It was just a plain black T-shirt that feel to my knees since he a sky scraper. Walking out of the room I heard talking. One of Jugs friend looked at me disgusted.
  "I thought there nothing going on between them. That's fucked up." Kevin looked at me with wide eye as Jug eyes finally met mine also. I just rolled my eyes as Joaquin told them other wise yet again. I made my way to start folding the blanket he was using on the sofa to move it out the way. I could see Kevin relax when he notice the blanket and pillow.
  "We need to know what dad said to you"Jug said
  " want some coffee Joaquin" I asked ignoreing my brother.
  "There some already made. Also you forgot you had food in your bag." I looked at him confused before smiling.
  "Oh yeah I had got food for me and dad that night. Hey any chance you have a cig I smoke my last one before falling asleep and Sweets of course took his" I said before making my way to make a cup of coffee.
  "Malaya" Jug said harshly.
  "Hey don't talk to her like that" Joaquin snapped taking a seat on the sofa and grabbing his pack of cigs.
"Joaquin we need to know it's important" Kevin told his boyfriend who sighed and looked at me.
  "She just waking up she won't answer you let her get her coffee and smoke" He said standing and bring me the cig lighting it in the process for me.
  "This is not the time this is about your dad" Betty said I huffed pushing my hair out my face as I set at the table with my cup of coffee taking the cig from Joaquin. He was walking around shirtless he probably just woke up his self.
  "Look it's not important what he told me just a lay low and where the papers Hogeye needed if anything happen to him I stay with him." I said not speaking of the note.
  "No one uses there one call to say lay low" Veronica said with a eye roll. I slammed my hand on the table making them jump as I turned my glare on to her.
  "You disrespect me one more time and that pretty face of yours will be rearrange I don't give a shit who you are." She stepped back and gulped as Joaquin laid a hand on my shoulder making me sit back.
  "When I saw dad he lied to me. Told me he did it but I could see it in his eyes it was a lie. What else did he say?"I looked at Joaquin before standing and making my way to the bathroom. They went to follow me but Joaquin stopped them.
  "A message for me" I slammed the bathroom door at his words  and heard him sigh. I tried to ignore them as I hopped in the shower. Once I was done they was all sitting around as I walked out the bathroom in a towel and it to Sweets room. Once dressed I walked out with arm crossed Joaquin handed me another cig.
  "If you all make it worse I will be the next one going to jail for you all murder. Why is it such a big deal dad used his one call for me his daughter? Who needed to know she wasn't going to be going into foster care in all this process because another Serpent was set to take her in and it been that way for years."
  "What about his son?" Archie asked making me roll his eyes.
  "Oh his son who walked out the door to chum it up with north side and hates where he come from. If dad set it up he would of had to move back to the south side. Go to school here." I said with a eye roll as I plopped on the sofa next to Kevin.
  "He has to do that any way" He said making me look at Jug.
  "You could of went to school with me you did at one point" Jug said
  "I don't belong there, I was a freak. Joaquin Just.." I stopped and took a deep breath.
  "They want to go talk to Mustang" He said stopping me from saying anything else making me groan.
  "Fine but your not going alone. Mustang is rough but he has a soft spot for me. Like most of the older members they help raised me. I stood grabbing my jacket scribbling a note down for Sweet leaving it on the table letting him know I'll be back later. Veronica glanced at the note making me roll my eyes. "I letting my boyfriend know I'll be by later is that ok with you." I slammed the pen down before walking out the house waiting for them to do the same before locking the door with the Key I have to the trailer. Joaquin put a arm over my shoulder walking me to my bike the other watch.
  "I could take them if you want."
  "No I need to make sure they are not fucking up my dads case." He nod and made his way to his bike. We all took off me leading them to the hotel. Getting off my bike I pulled my wallet out with a key card to Mustangs room. They gave me a strange look. I knocked and when I heard nothing open the door.
  "Mustang it's Malaya." I spoke making my way in. There was no answer as I made my way into the room. "Ugh do I really have to clean up after you every time I come by. You have guest. I made my way to the bathroom and tapped the door. It open and I feel to the ground with a gasp tears flowing down my face. Archie made his way to my side.
  "Oh god" once every one had a good look Joaquin helped me up holding me close.
  "This isn't right he been clean he wouldn't" I sobbed into his chest as he held me.
  "We can't be here" Kevin grabbed Joaquin arm and Joaquin kept me in his arms as we started rushing out.
  "Call my dad" Kevin called. We ran out and headed to our bikes." Joaquin lead me to his trailer I couldn't even get off the bike I was crying at the lost of one of my dad old friend and some one who was like a uncle to me. Joaquin helped me off pulling me into his arms and in to the trailer as he started packing a bag. Which just made it worse.
  "I can't lose you to"I sobbed he passed me to Kevin who held me.
  "Here take a cig sit down I have to and you know it." He said handing me a cig. Kevin set me on the sofa sitting next to me. "We kept you as much as we could out of it. Your dad knew we needed you as the leader in his place if something ever happen." I stood and walked up to him taking Serpent pendent of my charm and taken his keys bucking it on it. He hugged me tightly. Tears rolling down his face.
  "I will visit when I can I will get you back home brother" He nod against me at my words. " Fang Toni and Sweets got me this take this charm. As a reminder serpent never stand alone." I pulled away and took my wallet out handing him a couple hundred placing it in his hand. He didn't want to take it and try to push it back. "You take it you get the hell out of dodge get you a burner and call me when your safe. I have to go to the bar they need to know." He pulled me back into his arms as I sobbed.
  "I love you little sis. You stay out of trouble no more standing up to assholes and getting your head knocked around" He said making me chuckle. "You are one of the strongest people I know. Tell the other I said bye for me and." He took off a necklace and placed it around my neck. "I will be wanting this back next time we see each other"

 "I will be wanting this back next time we see each other"

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"Go get out of here. Kevin get him to the station safe I'm trusting you" I looked to Kevin who was crying his self. Joaquin kisses my forehead before running out. I set down and light the cig trying to calm down. After I finish I jumped on my bike and made it to the bar. I walked up on the small stage  and every one went silent.
  "I have some bad news." Tears where still falling down my face. "Mustang was found dead in his room" I cover my mouth as I heard many gasp. "And Joaquin had to leave town." I could feel my self falling but Tallboy caught me bring me into his arms.
  "A last ride will be planned for Mustang. I will figure out all I can and let every one know." Tallboy said taken over before leading me to Sweets who brought me into his arms. Toni ran up and he brought her also holding us both.
  "I found him I found him" I cried Toni wrapped her arm around me. I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder and saw Fang. You could tell he was putting a strong face on. "Joaquin said for me to tell y'all bye he sorry he couldn't do it his self. When we found him me and him took off with Kevin and went straight to his." I placed my hand on his necklace. "He will return when it safe."
  "Let's get the girl out of here" Fang spoke taken Toni from Sweets.
  "Hold on" I went to the bar and Hogeye gave me a sad look. They where like brother him and Mustang. He came around the bar and hugged me.
  "Let the boys take you home it been rough. Tallboy will lead a meeting and I will let you know what going on later." I nod against him before he passed me back to Sweets. We all went back to Sweets trailer where I went to his bed and curled up and cried. First my dad then mustang them Joaquin leaving. This has to be one of the worse weeks ever. A banging on the door woke me up. I didn't even know I feel asleep.
  "What do you want"I heard Sweets ask harshly. "Haven't you done enough stirring shit up she sleeping finally."Next thing I know Jug barges into the room.
  "Malaya it was Jason dad" He said "he killed his self"
  "Yea he probably who killed Mustang also can you just go away." I said as I turned over looking at the wall.
  "Why do you care about a drug addict more then getting dad out."
  "That drug addict was 5 year sober and family to us" Sweets spoke harshly as I curled up in a ball. "I suggest you get the hell out of my trailer." I looked over my shoulder to see Sweets with his brace knuckles. Jug glared at him before leaving. Once he was out the trailer Sweet came curl up with me and just held me.

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