Part II

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-Emil's POV-

I read over the email again and again. Has this guy finally lost it? Who just emails you and says, "Oh hey! You're coming to America tomorrow. See ya there!"? I shrugged my shoulders and continued writing my new story. Mutant refrigerators that take over the Earth... Now THIS was literature. I could practically see my name next to my book title on the New York Times Bestsellers list.

New York... The thought entered my already-full head again. It sounded so enticing. Perhaps I could meet a publisher or some refrigerator experts there. If I'm going to write a good book, I need good information from the pros themselves. Another thought popped up. I've been all around the world, but never to New York during Christmastime. According to Alfred it's, and I quote, THE MOST ROCKINEST PLACE ON EARTH! I still don't know why I haven't been there yet, but hey. It'll be an adventure.

I made sure to pack my two laptops, my writing notebooks, a camera, and lots and lots of books. I don't care if I'll be the weird Icelandic tourist.

Someday, I'll be the weirdly amazing Icelandic author.

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