Chapter 1

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Tori's POV

"Mama, can I get orange juice," Lincoln asks.

"Yeah. You want to pour it, or you want me to get it for you?"

"I can do it."

"You can do it," Lyn asks as she sits the spatula down.

"Yes. I can do it," Lincoln says with finality.

Lynnon chuckles as she grabs the orange juice out of the fridge, then she opens the cabinet, "What cup do you want?"

"Um..." Lincoln stares at his options thoughtfully, "Ninja Turtles!"

Lyn opens the juice before sitting down and she stands behind him, watching him closely, ready to help if he needs it. I smile to myself because I don't know who is cuter. The way Link is focused on actually pouring the juice into the cup or how focused Lyn is with watching him.

I swear, watching Lynnon be a mother to our kids has to be one of the most adorable things ever. I remember when we first came home with Chandler and just how nervous, cautious, and gently she was. Not to say that she isn't like that anymore, but it's been so amazing watching her confidence as a mom build over these last eight years. I love her patience with them. I love how caring she is. I adore seeing the relationship she has with them grow and the individual bonds she has with each of them. I think what I love the most is that she sees them exactly as what they are—tiny humans. One thing we've always tried to be conscious of is that they are their own person with their own interest, likes, and personalities. One of my favorite things about being a mom is getting to know them, and I can tell it's one of Lyn's too.

"Link." Lynnon chuckles as she grabs the juice from him.

"Oh, no," Lincoln says frantically, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I spilled it. I'm sorry."

Lyn just smiles because she knows just like I do that is was bound to happen. "It's okay. What do we do when we make a mess?"

"Clean it up?"

Lynnon hums and nods as she grabs the roll of paper towels. I lightly chew on my bottom lip as I watch Lyn help him wipe up the orange juice. I guess she could feel me staring, so she does a double take in my direction before sending me an innocent wink. I miss the days when it was just the two of us and I could pounce on her whenever I pleased because I so would right now. I don't know why but watching her with kids always did put me in a mood. A few minutes later, the girls join us and Lynnon finishes making the chocolate chip pancakes that Micah requested.

"So, do you guys know what today is," I ask excitedly as I help Lincoln cut up his pancakes.

"It's Sunday, Mommy." Micah informs me, flashing that cute smile of hers.

"Well, yes, I know that...but it's also the last day of summer," I sing-song.

"That's not something to be happy about, Mommy," Chandler says.

"It's something for us parents to be happy about," I counter.

"If that ain't the truth," Lynnon says. "Link please don't stuff your mouth like that. I don't want you to choke...You know what else today means?"

Lynnon and I both look around at all their unenthused faces, and Lincoln shrugs his shoulders.

"Back to school pictures," Chandler answers, stuffing a piece of pancake into her mouth.

"Yes, Mini bean! Back to school pictures," Lynnon shouts while Micah huffs dramatically. "Huff all you want, Micah. You're taking a picture."

Micah groans as she slouches in her seat, and I have no idea why she hates it so much. I feel like the whole disliking to take the back to school picture is her version of Lyn disliking celebrating her birthday, and it'll never cease to amaze me just how similar she is to Lynnon.

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