Chapter 3

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Tori's POV

"Hugs, hugs," I say as I kneel down.

The three of them quickly gives us hugs, then we rush them off inside. We woke up late and we've been behind schedule ever since. Yesterday, I had a day full of label meetings and business meetings that seemed to keep me on the move all day. After Lynnon's shoot, my mom recruited us to help her clean out their garage, which seems to happen every couple years. I seriously need my parents to get another hobby besides shopping because I honestly don't understand how they mange to accumulate so much junk now that it's just the two of them in the house.

Once we got the kids to bed, I stayed up working on some song ideas that came to me earlier in the day. Maybe it's the rush I'm getting from being in the studio and really tapping into the creative process, but I can't ever seem to take my mind off of making this album. It's all I want to do some days.

When I came into our room, I found Lynnon fast asleep with her laptop still resting on her lap. She's been working so hard lately. All I remember doing before knocking out was trying my best to tuck her into bed as gently as possible because I didn't want to wake her. From running her photography business, doing her shoots, working with Nathan, and all that comes with raising three kids, I want her to be able to rest as much as she can. But in the midst of everything, we both forgot to set our alarms, and the only thing that saved us is that Pixie's bladder is like clockwork. Every morning, six-thirty on the dot, she needs to go out.

The car ride back home is quiet. We haven't said much to each other since we woke up. There wasn't any time for any in-depth conversation besides saying what needed to be said. Who was getting the girls and who was getting Lincoln? Figuring out a quick breakfast for them to eat, making sure they each had their book bags and lunch boxes. Now I think we're both just taking in this calm after such a whirlwind of a morning.

Lynnon's phone ringing through the speakers startles the both of us and she quickly answers it. "Hey, Mom."

"Hi, Gwen!"

"Oh! Hi, hun," she beams. "How are you?"

I let out a sigh as I turn into our driveway and push the button for the garage door to open, "Tired. We had a late start this morning. What are you up to today?"

"Nothing much. Kevin and I are going to some comedy show later, so just relaxing until then. I just called to fuss at your wife."

"Don't have to talk about me like I'm not right here," Lynnon says while unbuckling her seatbelt.

"Where are my pictures of the kids?"

"Oh, shi—shoot. I forgot to send them."

"This is the second year in a row. Now I have to come get them cause I'm tired of waiting."

"I mean, you could've been doing that all along," Lynnon says.

Giggling, I push the button again to let the garage down. Lynnon gives me an annoyed look before pointing towards the ignition for me to turn the car off. I have a horrible habit of leaving the car running after closing the garage and it freaks her out, rightfully so.

"No," Gwen says causing Lynnon to sigh. "You have one job, Lynnon. You take the pictures. Edit them. Print them. Send them to me. That's your job."

"Okay, Mom. I apologize."

Lynnon rolls her eyes. I can tell she's not in the mood. Ever since Gwen retired from teaching a year ago she's been driving Lynnon crazy. According to Lynnon, she has way too much time on her hands and constantly bugs her about nothing.

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