Chapter 2

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Tori's POV

"What's wrong with your back," I ask as I watch Lyn rub at her back for the millionth time since we woke up.

"Mr. Sleeping Beauty in there wouldn't stop kicking me."

I walk over to her and lean my hip against the counter, "I'm sorry about last night."

"Just make it up to me with a back rub?"

I giggle at the strained expression on her face because I know her back doesn't hurt that bad. "I think I can manage that."

Poking me in my cheek, Lyn flashes me a smirk, "I'll get the girls."

I follow her out of the bathroom to wake our son up. He's sprawled out in the middle of our bed and he's sleeping like he just finished a 40-hour work week.

"Lincoln, baby, time to get up." I softly rub his head full of brown curls, then I kiss his cheek. He starts to stir, grunting while he stretches. "Good morning."

Lincoln peels his eyes open, and he curls over on his side with a tired grin on his face, "Morning, Mommy."

"You ready for your first day," I ask, and he nods before slowly sitting up. "C'mon."

He takes him a while to fully wake up, but after brushing his teeth and washing face, he finally perks up. Talking a mile a minute about the superhero dream he had last night, Lincoln follows me to his room to get dressed. I hand him his army green polo after helping him buckle his belt, and he slips it on. I tell him to grab his shoes and drop them off by the front door because there's no point in putting them on him now. He'll just slip them off again while he's eating breakfast.

I stop by the bathroom Lyn is in with the girls and a bright smile spreads across my face. Micah was determined to match with Chandler, so I found these really cute short sleeve, jean dresses for them to wear and they couldn't look any more adorable.

"Good morning, girls! You two looks so cute," I gush.

Chandler smiles at me from around her toothbrush.

"Thank you, Mommy," Micah says, and I try my best not to laugh at the grimace on her face. She always claims that Lyn is too rough when she's doing her hair.

"You need me to grab a head," I ask.

"No, I'm good. Chandler said she wants to wear her hair down, so it won't be long," Lyn says. 

Lincoln walks up to me, squeezing his face between my leg and the door frame, "Good morning, Chandler and Micah. Good morning, Mama."

"Morning, Link."

"Good morning, Bubba."

"I'm gonna start breakfast then."


I grab Lincoln's hand and we make our way to the kitchen. I let Pixie out to use the bathroom and I fill up her food and water bowls. I lift Lincoln up to sit on the counter and he asks me a bunch of question about starting pre-k while I cook breakfast. Being that we never really needed to put him in daycare, this is his first experience with spending the whole day away from us at school. Lyn and I discussed only putting him in half-days to give him time to adjust, but it conflicted with our work schedules, and it's just easier having to pick them all up at the same time.

After their breakfast, Lynnon helps them pack their lunches as I clean up. They all request that they want a pb&j, so she makes them while they pick out their snacks, making sure to cut off the crust for Chandler.

"Y'all are taking some fruit too, so take your pick," I say while Lynnon grabs their lunch boxes. "Orange slices, grapes, or apple slices?"

"I want grapes," Micah says.

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