I'm Jack (2)

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Sssssssss- I slowly sit up from my bed of dirt and glass as I listen for where the sound of death is coming from.

"Easy there bud," I whisper to my self more than the copperhead. All I can see is the trash filled island my commander calls Heaven for us Corrupts. "Rag, we have another one over here!" I say in a loud whisper.

No reply- only the wind and the now louder hiss from the killer answers my call for help.


Then it hits me, he died a week ago, or was in a month? Maybe a year.. You lose track of time when you've gone insane from the lack of knowing who is next to die. "No Corrupts will make it, especially when the gates of hell tried to fake it" sings loud in my head.

I take a step back. The sounds of hissing surrounding me. I freeze, these snakes aren't like the ones a couple hundred years ago. The government changed them, corrupted them with poisons and medicines. Breeding them till there were enough to kill us all.

They said that if we're corrupt, the clean and "worthy" ones shouldn't dirty their hands with us. unable to control my screams, screeching as I fall to the ground and grip my left leg as blood seeps through my bare skin.

The hiss seems to be fading away, or is it getting closer? I can't tell. My vision blurs and a loud buzzing works through my ears. All I know is the burning pain shooting through my leg, flooding to the rest of my body is a deadly rhythm.

Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain.

" Jace Selter," A fuzzy sound moves behind me, close to where I was, at some point in my life, playing with Rag and Q and Gail and Brandon, and Kaz, and-

"Ow! What the-" I see a steel, pin pricker that was shot into my hand, turning my hand a weird vivid color of orange. Whats going on? My mind goes loopy. "wha-" my lips numb, I'm unable to move them and make words.

What day is it? I've only seen this happen once before to Gail. Or was it Q? No it was definitely Kaz.

Oh, of course. Its the day after my birth. My day. My 16th one at that, "They are here to get me!" I try to shout out but my voice and tongue failing me. I swear, they could've came to get the others, but they were in their 20s by time the Gov. got them. I miss them all. I look at my hand again, the pin multiplying. My fingers doubling. Ha, doubling, like the corrupt and sane. Sane and corrupt. Never losing one more than the other. Always having both. Doubling.

I can't forget that. I'm corrupt. "Corrupt! Corrupt! Corrupt!" I remember the crowds yelling at all the new borns right before my twin faked out of the tests and got me booted to this hell hole. I can remember when she said she was "the one" and "was going to save me". But 10 years later, I'm still here and she is married to our shitpile of a ruler. I can remember- I can remember- I can't remember. I see my vision being swallowed my light and the darkness. Good and bad. I can't remember! I can't remember! I feel my memories slowly slip away from my grasp- faster and faster. Why can't I remember!

"Why! Why! Help me! Sister," I see a mirror like person walk in front of me, staring in disgust as I call out words that only become sounds and howls. " Why now! Lov-" I stop, no one can understand me. I try to stand. I can't move. I can't move anything. What have they done! I look up at this mirror of a person but before she reached me my vision goes black.

Like my Dreams.

Weird Dreams.


Dreams. I don't have them so I don't know why I used that word. Us corrupts only have nightmares. Of our better halves, of our family throwing us away as soon as they find out we aren't "normal" even tho we are this world's only normal. Dreams. The one thing we wish we could keep. To see. To feel. For just a second. Even if we had to end ourselves to feel love at least once. Please..

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