I'm Derek(4)

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I see them. Everywhere. 

Those that have died on my watch. Those who've killed themselves, hating the way we survive. Those I've loved and never see again. Those who I've killed for my self gain. Those I've killed just for sport. Those who will never get a second chance...  Everyone who has been thrown into my path have died, that's why. That's why I hide. They know. They throw people my way. 

I'm sorry, I say as I look at the ground, ignoring the spirits staring at me. 

Keep moving, I scream in my head.

Walking down the dirt road, covered in trash and spilled guts that have dried from the heat. I hear the radial of one of the most feared creature to be corrupted. I keep walking forward. It knows better than to mess with me. I pick up my pace a little, broken glass damaging my feet. The sound gets louder. 

The hell, I think, annoyed. I break into a run, I'm almost to the fort, but with each 3 feet I move the sound seems to get even louder. It's as if I can hear the snake slither on the ground, it's scales grinding the blood covered glass and plastic, rubbing off my feet as I move, into nothing. 

I keep running, even once I reach the compound. The snake, still trying to catch me. I realized It won't stop... Why won't it stop? I run, I climb.

The fort was a bear's den, I killed the family a couple years ago before Spec, my second in command, was picked up for his 16. I made clothes of them for us, giving him the majority of the fur since he would go under illness and I never seemed to be sick. I climbed up the hill to the tree, it grows almost over the ledge. 

I sit on the top branch, the leaves missing off the tree. The copper just circles the tree, looking robotic, controlled . This isn't the behavior of a normal corrupt killer. I look over to the trunk, there is still a small hole where my comrades and I hid small weapons for protection incase the Gov wanted to pay a visit. We all knew that these wouldn't work against them but its better then to just give in. 

I reach my hand into the hole and pull out sharpened sticks, metal, rocks and glass.

"Sh!t," my finger slowly bleeds, a drop falling to the ground. I cut my self on an all-round-sharpened piece of metal. "This is it." 

I look down once more, the snake nowhere in sight. I jump up and move from branch to branch seeing if it's anywhere. Seeing a slight movement from the corner of my eye, my hand throws the tin at the snake. Hitting my target beside its eye, sparks start to fly from the wound. I'm slow as I climb down the tree, keeping distance between me and snake. 

As I get closer I can see that its moving in a seizure-like manner, but with a purpose. Its skin being scratched at, pulled at by the rocks and sticks around the area. Its blood pooling, I move in closer, crouching down. Not showing any sign of stopping, I decide to just leave it. I stand back up, feeling its thick blood flow under my feet. 

Thats the way of life, I walk away. 

---------------------------------------Back in the fort----------------------------->>>

As I lay in cold bed, I realize that I've left the fur-blanket outside for I washed it earlier. 

Walking outside, I stumble, a sharp pain moving through my foot- growing up my leg. I fall to the ground, unable to hold myself up. Looking down at my bare legs, I scream. Seeing, feeling, seeing a red liquid crawl up my legs. I grow numb, my mind fuzzing, unclear. 

Pop! Pop! Pop Pop!!

"Ahhgg," an over whelming pain hits me. Feeling my neck, blood staining my hand. 

"Hands up!" A voice yells at me, male. 

"wh-whats goin' on," I mumble, my tongue feeling heavy, unable to be moved by my command.

I shut my eyes, unable to keep them open to see my threats, "We are very impressed by your skills, you're the first to stop our PinX23, but sadly that means we must take more precautions." Feet movement surrounds me, I can hear them breathing and moving their guns. The last thing I know is that someone is on me, pinning me down, and that they are stabbing me in the arm with needles. 

I moan, "Shhhh, its almost over," I move my head towards the voice, pain and darkness taking me under. But I can swear, I know that voice.... But wher--

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