Episode 6

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Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.

My patience level sucks!

Call me already. Come on.

Beep. Beep. Beep. What the heck? My heart. I am having a freaking heart attack. Oh hello! Anyone? I was about to shout then I realized oh no that is my sweetheart phone. And then when I saw the name flashing. I sighed. Finally! ahaaaaa. Speak of butterflies again.

I picked up the phone and slowly but smoothly ran out of the room. Far far away from the BWB. I am so not risking this. We have a huge balcony which is connected to every room of this floor. And it also has those comfy chairs. So why risking when I can enjoy comfortable convos right here.

"I still don't believe you are a living and breathing citizen of NYC". I said the first thing after swiping up the green flashing thingy.

"Hello to you too missy". He said. I can so feel his smile.

"Why so formal now partner?" I teased.

"That's how real people of NYC greets, you know. And I am definitely a living and breathing citizen of NYC. We people are more knightly, noble, chivalric then you think of us". He said. Sounds much proud. I see.

"You do know that those three words might sound different but are of totally similar meaning". I teased again.

"Okay my smarty-pants-dictionary. You only just picked up those three words. You are seriously hurting my pride here missy". He said teasing me this time.

"Aw! Why I am sorry mister. No offence indeed". I said laughing.

"Dinner done?". He asked. How caring. Oh boy!

"Ofcourse. You do know that right, now it is somewhat around 1:30 am. Normal people is probably knocked out already to some deep sleep. We people are exceptional. So we are out of the list". I said pretty much dramatically. 

"Yeah I can still be consider somewhat normal but you. You girl is so darn out of the list. No doubt in that". He said in his fake serious tone. How fakey dude. 

"Yeah just whatever T-H-E-O-D-O-R-E". I sang the last part with a smirk.

"Okay no I am insane you are the so very normal human being of this planet". He said. Cat got your tongue already.

"Surrendering already. I see". I said.  

"You know how to get me. What to do now? By the way where is the other member of our gang?". He asked. First part made me feel a little butterflies but then the last part made those butterflies get vanished within seconds. 

"I don't know actually. I am not in the room". I said. Bye-bye to my good mood. 

"You are not in the room means? As much as I love adventures but you do know middle of the night is not really a suitable time for that. Where are you Evianna?". He asked. Kinda sound serious. Anyway why do you care?

"No need to go all Evianna on me. I am just out of the room not out of the building. I am siting in the balcony. Because as cruel as you think of me. I know not to disturb someone while sleeping. That is a so a big crime". I said rolling my eyes. 

"Okay Okay! Now no need to go all Evianna on me too. I was looking out for you. Such a cruel world. I see". He said with his fake hurting tone. I repeat fake-hurting.

"Such a drama queen you are". I said sighing.

"Tired? Aren't we?" He asked in such a what to say umm ummm such-cute-voice. Urgh!! What is wrong with me?

"Kinda. Afterall I had a first-day-college-adventure with someone".I said scratching my neck. I am indeed tired. But I just had a well-satisfactory-nap. Something is really wrong with me.

"Okay I see. By the way, you just had a nap right?" He asked. 

"Yes actually. But I don't know why I feel so tired lately". I said again scratching my neck.

"Hey, you are okay right?"He asked. Wait! I can smell the kinda 'worried' vibe coming from him. Or am I just assuming. I don't know. Argh!!! God please.  

 "Whatever it is I am not dying, I know that". I said jokingly.

"Excuse me! I am not joking. Are you really fine?" Gosh! he sounds so serious. I am blushing again.

"Why so serious buddy? I am fine just lacking some sleep that's all. Don't worry. Come on". I said with a smile. I can't stop smiling. Damn!

"Okay then sleeping beauty, you better sleep and recharge your battery. Tomorrow we will be having another adventurous heck of a day". He said again excitement radiating out of him. Such unlimited energy human much wow. Hmmm! another adventure. I like it. More like I am loving it. 

"Another adventure? mhmm sounds fun". I said trying  my best to control my excitement.

"Well we will have many more adventures, this is only just the beginning. For now, Nighty night Sleep tight". He said. He sounds so sincere actually giving me some really high 'hope' vibe. Don't screw this I beg you. I repeat I BEG YOU.  

"Sounds more fun. Night". I said more like smiling like 'I-don't-know' what. Then beeeeep. Call ended. Speak of roasting tomatoes. Right now I am looking like a tomato roast. Red and hot.

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