Uneasy Feelings

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Tsuyu POV

"Hey, Tsu, are you alright?"

I blinked, waking up from my daydreaming. "Oh, uh, yeah, I'm fine. Ribbit." I looked away, a small blush emerging on my face. In reality, I hadn't really been okay lately; in fact, I had been a confused mess of emotions. And it was all because of the girl standing in front of me.

"Are you sure? You spaced out there for like a solid minute." Ochako giggled. She turned around and sat down next to me. She continued talking to the other girls in the common area, but I fell silent. Why was I feeling this way? I felt light-headed and my stomach was queasy. 'I wonder if I'm sick.'

"Hey girls, ribbit, I think I'm going to go to bed a little early tonight. I'm not feeling too good." I waved as I stood up and started walking to my room. I sighed as I saw my door, opening it and collapsing onto my bed. 'What is going on with me?!? I've never felt this weird.' I unlocked my phone, turning to google for answers to my questions.

"Why does my stomach feel weird around a person?"

I glanced through the search results, and while some said things like "stomach virus" or "flu", most of the resources mentioned having feelings for someone. They all came from teen magazines and Q&A websites. I sat up, confused with the results. No way I had a crush. I didn't find any of the boys attractive. I mean sure, they were muscular and athletic, and some of them were really nice too, but I'd never had those "symptoms" around them. I shrugged, slightly frustrated, laying the phone down and burying my head into my pillow.

"Realization" Tsuchako, Tsuyu Asui x Ochako UrarakaWhere stories live. Discover now