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Tsuyu POV

I left Tokoyami's room, a small smile on my face as I walked to the elevator. Tokoyami pressed the button and we both walked in. I pressed the button for the 1st floor, but we stopped at the 4th floor, only to see the face of Ochako as the doors opened. She blushed as she joined us in the elevator, which was becoming slightly cramped. The doors closed again, and Ochako silently grabbed my hand. I blushed, looking over at her to see her face red and turned away, trying to hide a smile. Tokoyami chuckled behind us, which only made Ochako smile bigger. She was so beautiful; her hair cascaded over her face, her eyes closed as she squeezed my hand gently. The elevator dinged, signalling that we were at the 1st floor. Ochako dropped my hand as we exited, her smile unwavering. She walked with a hop in her step. I hadn't seen her that happy before, ever. We sat at the table, along with Momo, Jirou, Kirishima, Bakugou, Todoroki, Deku, and Koji. General conversation had grown, and only a few people acknowledged us as we sat down. A timer went off in the kitchen, and Bakugou jumped up, running into the kitchen and calling for Eijiro to follow him. They both returned with plates of Tempura, Kare-Raisu, and Onigiri. Everyone grew excited at the sight, and smell, of the cuisine.

"Thanks Bakugou, this all smells so good!" Momo shouted.

"Yeah, it all looks really great!"

Ochako and I shifted in our seats, glancing at each other for reassurance. As the food was placed in the center of the table, people started reaching for it ravishly, and it almost scared me. I shrunk from the table, staring at my knees as they shook. Tokoyami noticed my nervousness, and he reached for the food, placing some onto my plate, then reaching for Ochako's to do the same. I smiled faintly at him, hoping he could see the gratefulness through my fear. I hesitantly picked up my chopsticks, prodding at the food. My face grew red, and tears threatened to leave my eyes. I excused myself and went to the restroom, having not eaten anything. As soon as I had closed the door I broke down. I sank to the floor, trying to muffle my sobs with my hand. 'Why is this so hard?' I pinched my hand to keep quiet, feeling a shiver run down my spine as a drop of blood formed by my nails. I continued until my crying subsided, leaving six deep marks on my skin. I stood up, sniffling as I walked to the sink. I looked at myself in the mirror, slowly lifting my shirt and inspecting my stomach. It was gaunt, yet any fat that I thought I saw made me cringe. I pinched my sides, sucking in my stomach only to see my ribs accentuated. Just as I turned my attention to my legs, I heard a light knock before Ochacko came into the bathroom. She motioned behind her, and Tokoyami followed. I stared at them, touched by their concern. I lowered my shirt, reverting my gaze as I saw Ochako's surprised expression. She had seen my torso.

"Tsu..." She ran over to me and cradled me in her arms. Hot tears ran down my face as she pulled away, seeing the blood on my hands and the guilt in my eyes.

"I..." I was cut off by the lump that had grown in my throat as my crying continued. Tokoyami walked over and put a hand on my back as Ochako continued her embrace. I cherished their touch, not used to having such amazing friends. "I'm s-sorry, ribbit... I really t-tried not to."

"Shh, it's okay." Ochako comforted me, waiting until I was ready. She slowly lifted her sleeve, revealing dozens of burns and scratches. I covered my face, staring down at her arm. I looked into her eyes, brimming with tears as she pulled her sleeve back down. "We all struggle sometimes."

"Yeah." Tokoyami lifted his shirt, revealing white scar marks. "For me it was when my mother died." I stared at him, his eyes filled with a sadness I hadn't seen before. I couldn't help myself; it was all just too much for me. I fell to the floor, surrendering to the tears that had blurred my vision. We all sat on the floor: Ochako was silently crying, Tokoyami was staring into space sadly, and I was sobbing.

"Y-y'know, you guys are g-great." I said between hiccups as I calmed down, giving them the best smile I could muster. Tokoyami smiled back, and Ochako chuckled, pulling me into her arms. She was so reassuring, even just by being there. I held onto her, never wanting to let go. We heard a light knock on the door after a few minutes.

"Hey guys, we left some food for you wrapped on the table. You should put it in the fridge if you don't eat it tonight." The concern in Momo's voice was evident.

"Ok, we'll do that."

"Hey, Tsu, are you alright?" This time it was Jirou.

"Yeah, I'm ok. Sorry for worrying you, ribbit." My voice was still raspy from crying.

"Okay. Goodnight guys."

"Goodnight," Ochako and I sounded in unison. She continued to hug me, only pulling away once I motioned that I wanted to stand. She grabbed my hand, holding it as we walked out, Tokoyami trailing behind us. He seemed happier than he had been before.

"Do you want to try to eat something?" Ochako looked at me, desperate to receive the answer she wanted. I peered at the plate, fear growing as I thought of eating. But I had to eat it. For Tokoyami. For Ochako. For myself. 'Since when do you care about yourself?' The voice in my head was drowned out as Ochako rubbed my face, her compassionate expression clearing my head. I smiled, pressing into her palm.

"Yeah, I'll try." Ochako's smile grew, and we sat down at the table with Tokoyami, who also hadn't eaten much before leaving to check on me. It was hard, and I won't try to say that it wasn't. That one meal felt like hell, and I cried more than once throughout the time. But I got through it, thanks to Tokoyami and Ochako. We all went up to bed afterwards, Tokoyami staying to rinse the dish the food had sat on.

"Hey, Tsu."


"I'm really proud of you. You're so brave." Ochako lifted my head and kissed me, brushing my hair with her fingers.

"You did well too," I chuckled, the blush growing on my pale face. We had shared a plate, leaving one to Tokoyami and putting one in the fridge. It hadn't been much, but it was an improvement. Ochako put her arm around my shoulders.

"Next step, telling the others." I muttered, turning to Ochako. Her face was anxious to say the least, her brow furrowed as she stared at the slowly changing number on the elevator. I gently squeezed her hand, looking at her with compassion as she looked down at me. We reached the 4th floor, and Ochako quickly pecked my cheek before getting off, waiting for the doors to close before going to her room. I blushed, smiling as I got off and headed to my own room. 'What did I do to deserve her?'

"Realization" Tsuchako, Tsuyu Asui x Ochako UrarakaWhere stories live. Discover now