Talking to Tokoyami

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Tokoyami POV

I sat in my room, the deep purple glow from my lamps relaxing me as I drank my tea. I suddenly heard a very soft knock on my door. "Wonder who that is." I mumbled

"Based on the knock, it's probably Tsuyu." Dark shadow smirked at Tokoyami.

"Did I ask for your opinion?" I opened the door, and sure enough I was met with Tsuyu. She seemed very nervous to be there, as she played with the ends of her hair with her fingers. I stepped out of the doorway, inviting her inside. She sat on the edge of my bed, since I don't have a couch or anything in my room. I sat near the head-board, raising an eyebrow that signalled for Tsuyu to start talking.

"So, Tokoyami, I know we're pretty close, so I figured you were probably the best person to tell this to." Her voice quivered as she spoke. This was something serious.

"What is it?" My tone was deep, and I hope it showed my concern for her. We had been friends since the sports festival, but we became really close after finals. Now we basically told each other everything.

"Well.." A tear rolled down her cheek after the first word. I came closer to her, putting my arm around her as she sobbed. Her eyes had already been slightly puffy when she came in. 'How much has she been crying over this?' I pulled her into a hug, squeezing gently as she let all of her emotions out. "Ribbit, I-I'm sorry!" She hugged me back, her tears soaking into my plain black t-shirt.

"Sorry for what?" I held the back of her head, cooing as she continued to cry. She slowed down, taking deep breaths to try to calm herself.

"I-I've b-been keeping a pretty b-big secret from y-you." She could barely speak between her hiccups and ribbits. Her words came out as a soft whisper.

"You can tell me anything. I promise."

"I h-haven't been eating l-lately." She pushed away enough to look up at me, the shame in her eyes breaking me. A tear fell down my cheek, and I pulled her back to my chest. 'Is this why she's been so weak? I hadn't thought anything of it at the time.'

"How long have you been doing this?" I looked at her with compassion.

"I'm not s-sure, ribbit... maybe a f-few months?"

"Well, thank you for telling me, I know that takes a lot of courage." I looked down at her and smiled, trying to make her feel better. She was quiet, but her tears had stopped. I wiped them off of her face, and she pressed into my hand.

"I'm really sorry, Tokoyami..." She looked down at the ground. I lifted her head with my hand.

"Hey, there's nothing to be sorry about. You're head is sick, and not eating is a symptom." She seemed to find comfort in my analogy. I grew serious again. "However, that does mean that the only cure is..."

"A doctor..." She seemed frightened just by the thought of talking about it further. We sat in a comfortable silence for some time. Her hiccups and ribbits continued, though much less than when she had been crying.

Tsuyu POV

As I sat in Tokoyami's room, I leaned against him, finding comfort simply in his presence. I hadn't been used to having someone to talk to, so the fact that he would listen was great. My mind wandered to Ochako, and whether or not I should mention her to Tokoyami. I didn't notice when I muttered her name, "Ochako."

Tokoyami POV

"Hmm?" I heard Tsuyu mutter Uraraka's first name. Were they close? He hadn't seen them hanging out any more than usual.

She covered her mouth with a hand. "Oops, ribbit." She looked up at me, clearly curious to see if I had heard her.

"Did you have something to say about Uraraka?" She leaned off of me and looked away, contemplating.

After some time she looked back up and said, "If I tell you this, you have to promise to keep it a secret from everyone. I'm not sure if she would want me to tell you."

I gave her a sympathetic look. "You know that there are conditions, but I keep my word."

"Well, I know that Ochako used to struggle with, um, that... too." She stressed her words, speaking them slowly, examining every word carefully. 'Wow, they're a lot closer than I thought.'

"She told you that?"

"Yeah... ribbit. We talked earlier today after classes." She blushed slightly at the mentioning of the events. "Today's been... eventful."

I was intrigued. "What do you mean by "eventful"? Just this talk, or something else too?" Her blush deepened, and I smiled mischievously.

"Well, a couple of days ago I thought that I was getting sick or something, but turns out I actually had a uh, crush."

"On who?"

"Uraraka." I raised my eyebrows in surprise. 'A girl? She's not straight?'

"And then she asked about me after class because I had been quiet, well quieter than normal, at lunch. And uh, one thing kinda led to another..." She smiled to herself.


She covered her face and mumbled, "She kissed me!"

My grin spread. "Wow, first kiss huh?"

She nodded sheepishly, her face still covered by her hands. "And I kissed her back." She was a nervous, embarrassed mess at this point, her knees touching her elbows as she squirmed on her spot. I lightly shook her, my arm still around her back, laughing as she became a giggling mess.

"Congrats, I'm happy for you!" I rubbed her arm and she smiled at me. It was nice to see her happy again. "Well, as far as eating goes, if you're not comfortable seeing a professional, then at least tell your friends. You need a support group, and as much as I can try, I won't be enough. But step one is eating dinner tonight." She looked up at me, a look of concern and gratefulness on her face. She stood up, walking to the door and waiting for me to join her. I usually just ate in my room, but this was an exception. I walked to the door, opening it and ushering her out before closing my door and following her to the common area.

"Realization" Tsuchako, Tsuyu Asui x Ochako UrarakaWhere stories live. Discover now