Chapter 26
<3 Lucy POV <3
We decided to have a movie marathon on our inn, before that we decided to go buy snacks. We went out for an hour then we went back. We went back to the inn. We decided to invite some of the guild members. So we ask Mira invite some. So she brought with her Laxus, Gajeel, Levy-chan, Juvia, Jellal and Romeo. I guess our matchmaker is going to do something.
<3 Normal POV <3
Before they watched Mira wanted to play a game “TRUTH OR DARE” “Hey Guys, Let’s play a game truth or dare” Mira said. “Sure/Why not?” we said in unison. “OKAY” She said excitedly then she get a bottle. She was the first one to span the bottle. Then it pointed to Levy. “Levy, Truth or Dare” “Dare” Mira smiled evilly. “Ok, Then Levy I dare you to KISS Gajeel on the LIPS for 30 seconds” Levy blushed hard and then nodded as for Gajeel he blushed. Erza remember that there are kids in the room so she whispered to Jellal and then nodded Erza stood up and went behind Wendy. Jellal covered Romeo eyes while Erza covered Wendy’s. Then Levy leaned on Gajeel until their lips met. After 30 seconds they pulled away then the girls squealed and they boys smirked and laugh on Gajeel. Their faces was like Erza’s hair. After a while Wendy said “Erza-san, Can you take off your hands that is covering my eyes” “Sorry” Erza said and they let go of their eyes and wet back to her seat. “I think we better let Wendy and Romeo and the exceeds to do something else because you know our game is kind of...” Erza said “You’re right” Lucy said “We could play video games in my room” Romeo said “Ok, Have fun you guys” They said and with that Romeo and Wendy and the exceeds left. “Ok, My turn” Levy said the she span the bottle and it pointed to Laxus “Laxus Truth or Dare” She said “Dare” He said bored “I dare you to do a sexy dance in front of Mira” She said “WHAT?!” He said in shock and they laugh as for Mira she blushed “That’s the dare, Laxus” Levy said innocently. “Okay, Fine. This will be our secret If you guys told this to the rest of the guild I will electrocute you” He said in threateningly we nodded. Then Levy started the music and he started to dance the boys yelled “TAKE IT OFF” He took off his top and started to dance again after a while Levy declared “Ok , That’s enough Mira is going to have a nose bleed.” She said. Then Laxus went back to his seat. “Ok, next” He said and span the bottle and it pointed to Gray. “Gray, Truth or Dare” Laxus said “Dare” Gray answered “I dare you not to strip for the rest of the day. If you strip I will electrocute you” He said then Gray nodded he was already naked. Laxus electrocuted him. Then they laugh as for Gray was on the ground then after a while he sat up. “Okay, My turn. Man that hurt” Gray said while he span the bottle then it pointed to Erza. “Erza Truth or Dare” He asked “Dare” Erza said confidently “I dare you to requip to your sexiest armour until the game is over” She blushed then she requip seducing armour she was wearing maid hair band, bikini with an apron covering her front and her arms and legs is covered with armour. Jellal blushed and look away. Then she span the bottle and pointed to Lucy. “Lucy, Truth or Dare” Erza said “TRUTH” She said “Do you really love Natsu?” She asked “Yes” Lucy blushed and looked away. Then she span the bottle then pointed to Jellal “Jellal Truth or Dare” Lucy said “Truth” He said “If you were proved innocent, you were free, and allowed to have a normal life, Who do you want to be with for eternity?” She asked then Jellal blushed and muttered “Erza” He said then the girls squealed and the boy smirk. Erza blushed like the colour of her hair “That’s good I would look at your case and analyze it later. And see what I can do for you guys to be together without threats.” Lucy whispered even the Dragon Slayers didn’t heard it. Then Jellal spun the bottle. The game went on until they decided to watch a movie already.

FanfictionThis is my first story that I wrote in wattpad. Please enjoy!!! Will Lucy Heartifilia be able to save everyone with her new power? Will she fell in love with a dense Dragon Slayer?