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"Heyyy you guys! What's up? Alright so this chapter was so hard to write, like I didn't know what to write next. I actually wrote two different beginnings and then decided to compile them both, so yeah, it took me a while to update. Anyways , this is another example of just how close Blake and Hermione are.
So read, comment and vote! Your comments keep me going! Oh and special thanks to akankshaaa_debbb_ for helping me with this.
Chapter three
"No! Blake, I'm not gonna do it!"
"Yes, you are."
"Nope, you can't force me!" I pouted
"Think again"

Before I could do anything else, he picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder. I mentally smacked myself for forgetting how strong he was,while struggling in his grasp.

I kept on hitting his back, trying to hurt him so that he would, hopefully, put me down. No such luck.

"Blake, I swear to God if you don't put me down this-"
I came down with a thud. Ouch! That hurt.

"What was that for?"

"For not complying with my wishes." He smirked and snatched my phone out of my hand. I pleaded, cried and even tried the infamous puppy eyes.

"Not gonna work on me. Try them on someone who hasn't known you your entire life. "

"Don't you dare do anything with my phone, " I said warningly.

He sighed and sat down beside me. Then he put his hand up, putting the phone right in front of me.

Oops. Guess I forgot to exit Brent's Instagram.

"We have been through this, Hermione, I told you not see that guy's face again, didn't I?" he said running a hand through his hair.

"Yeah but, I-"
"No buts, I told you."
That's when I couldn't take it anymore. I had tried so hard to keep my feelings to myself and tried to be happy for others but I couldn't anymore. I was broken. I broke into a fit of tears as I wondered what I ever did wrong to deserve something like this.

He immediately walked over to me and then proceeded to engulf me in a humongous hug.

"Oh, Mione" was all he said while rubbing my back.
"You really don't deserve this"

"She knew I liked him." I mumbled. "She fucking knew!" I shouted.
"Why just why would she do this? No, why would he propose to her?Why .. me?"
I broke down at the last moment.
I kept on crying and couldn't stop.
This isn't fair. I have never ever done someone wrong, heck, I don't even curse, unlike Nicolette who had ruined people's lives including mine.  Brent seemed like a nice guy too. We had talked a little and smiled at each other during English. He liked the same things as me, then why, why would he go after Nicolette? She's vile, cruel and a person who dates for gain not for emotions. I knew everything about her. She had had at least five boyfriends who she just used, either for money, popularity or their good looks.

Okay, it kinda makes sense now that she said yes to Brent. How did I know this? Simple. She has been my best friend for nine years.
Even then she had only used me to get closer to Blake. During those days, Blake, Nicolette and I were pretty much inseparable. We were such good friends. Then one day she suddenly decided that she was too good for me and dumped me. She had thought that I, not being as popular as her, didn't deserve her time, effort and attention.  She also thought that Blake would suddenly side with her and start insulting me too, so it was a huge shock to her when he defended me instead. 
Her hatred for me deepened.

"Shush, let it out" Blake softly whispered to me . His hand still rubbing my back.

"Why does it hurt so much? It shouldn't, should it?" I mumbled against his chest.

"The thing is, you are in love with a version of a person that you are trying to but cannot fix, the only person you can fix is yourself. I love you , this has gone way too long. Enough is enough." Saying that sentence he untangled himself and gave me a determined look.

"When did my best friend become so wise?" I sniffed, chuckling a little.
"Step one: Stop crying"
"Check" I replied while Blake crosses it off the list.
Yes that's right, Blake has made an entire list on how to help me get over Brent.
In fact , that's all we have been doing for the past hour.
"Step two: Eat away the sadness"i
"Check..." I said sheepishly as I looked over to the chocolate wrappers and food packets surrounding us.
"Good, now tell me do you feel better?" Blake asked looking up.
"Yeah" I replied.
Honestly, having Blake over had served as a great distraction from Brent. He kept on trying to make me laugh and forget the entire incident.
I glanced out of the window, seeing the starry night sky was so calming. I peered to find all the constellations. There was Orion's Belt.
"Step three: watch a empowering movie , hmm, let's watch Legally Blonde, what do you say?" He said hopping towards my movie drawer.
"I say,let's watch Harry Potter!" I squealed, and ran towards the drawer.
Blake slapped a hand to his forehead .
"Oh god! Not again" He muttered dramatically.
"How many times have you watched the goddamn movie already?"
"Idk , I watch it whenever I'm feeling sad , or angry or happy."
Blake rolled his eyes and plopped down on the bed with his bowl of popcorn, while I started the Philosopher's Stone.
I took a seat beside him and watched the movie.
I glanced as Blake. God, I don't know what I would do without him. He had literally spent his entire day, trying to console me when he could have been partying or hanging out with his friends or practicing football. I swear, Blake is one of the best things that happened to me.
My phone buzzed and I glanced at the screen.
@brentrivera just posted a picture .
Thank god, Blake had forgotten about the whole Instagram thing. Using all of my willpower, I clicked my phone shut and concentrated on Hermione setting fire to Snape's coat. My phone buzzed with more notifications.
Hermione, Harry and Ron find out about the stone.
@nicole changed her username to @Mrs.NicoleRivera
I rolled my eyes at the screen. So original. I picked up my phone, checking for messages and then looking at Instagram.

No! Control yourself Mione.

I shook my head and kept the phone back down , turning my eyes towards the T.V. screen .
Aw young Harry is alone for Christmas, so Ron decides to stay with him. I love their friendship so much.
@Mrs.NicoleRivera commented on @brentrivera's post. "I love you so much Brent ❤️"
Fight the urge, Mione. Don't check your phone.
"Can you switch off your phone, I'm trying to watch a movie here," Blake said rolling his eyes as another notification popped up.
@brentrivera replied to @Mrs.NicoleRivera's comment. "I love you more Mrs.Rivera 😂❤️"

"Okay. That's it!" Blake said suddenly
Before I could react, he snatches my phone and proceeds to switch on silent, stops and glares daggers at me. He pauses the movie.


"Step four: Unfollow him on all social medias.
"Hermione, you need to do this." Blake explained to me for the hundredth time. I know I needed to do it, for my own mental health, and I would but I don't want to.
"But, the thing is- "
"No, you are unfollowing and blocking him on Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube." He said sternly.
"YouTube too? Oh come on!" I exclaimed.
"Yes. Everything Mione"
There's no arguing with Blake when he's in such a mood.
"Fine, I'll do it" I said grumpily.
I know he was right. So, reluctantly, I blocked Brent on everything, and by everything I mean every freaking thing. Then handed my phone over to Blake so that he could "check" that I actually did it.
I rolled my eyes as he looked through my apps.
"Find anything?" I asked sarcastically
He nodded his head and handed me my phone back.
"And now, let's get back to Potterverse"
He played the movie and this time, I was uninterrupted by the irritating sound of notifications.

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