|Babyshower| 2

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Everyone's eyes widen to the reveal of Toni. Beautiful was an understatement. She was the candy eye of everyone in the room. She came out from hearing the commotion but that left once she entered.
"Wow" Kenny's eyes glazed at Toni. Time has frozen for him and it speeded up for her, she didn't even realize he was there.
Towanda grabs Toni hand as she greets everyone around the table. "Your beautiful, congratulations on your bundles of joy ", A guest said. "While, thank you", Toni replies. All the sisters rush up to Toni but thought about what Towanda said, so keep it short and sweet.

"Congratulations, you look beautiful, you look lovely, Toni " was all the compliments that left their mouths. They were roughly reminded by Towanda to keep it nice. Toni was almost at Kenny's table but he froze up and dip out the side door. "yo man, what's your problem. Melvin followed Kenny out the door and yanked his shoulder. "what am I even suppose to say? I left toni and our baby. No telling what she thinking about me" Melvin took a deep breathe and wipe his mouth, trying to understand what Kenny's is coming from. "Kenny,  ain't this point you got to take it, take anything that she throws to you and understand she is probably hurt.
They both enter back into the party. As Kenny's heart beat faster and faster, he could only stand there passionate.
"Why I can't go the party, sir", Nicole is wearing all black with shades on, so security suspected something was up. "ma'am, first the invitation number does fit the description, you have no type of
gift. However, if you want, I can call the supervisor and she can verify you". Nicole knew they definitely will not let her entered the party if Toni and her sister knew she was here. "that ok", she storms off and headed back to her car. "I got to get in there somehow" she mumbles to herself.

Security contacted Towanda letting her know an unidentified lady tried to enter into the party without any identification. "Uh, probably just an excited fan". Towanda brush it off and went back into the party to help Toni greet everyone while security stands his position.
Towanda glances around the party and everything is going as plan, the sister excited and drama-free, Toni is completely comfortable and happy, then Kenny is nowhere to be found. "Yo where is he", Towanda took a deep breathe and pull her dress up in the search of Kenny.

"Where have you been", Towanda was fuming. "He was a little choke up but his ready to see Toni" Melvin spoke up for Kenny and hit his shoulder to comply. They started to proceed to Toni's table as she was about to stuff some red-velvet cake into her mouth until she looked up.

"Toniiii, hi love, someone is here to see you" Towanda rush away and grab Melvin hand in the process. Toni face was blank, you couldn't tell anything, she got up from her throne and gave Kenny a pat hug; as her belly hit his. Kenny was speechless to her beauty, her motion and her smile like nothing ever happen.

She was the center of attention that night and her self-respect mean everything. Toni ding for someone to bring her some fruit punch. "can you bring me something surprising to drink, since this is a surprising event", the waiter nod and processed. "Listen, Toni, I just want to say-", the waiter came back kinda interrupts the conversation as she whispered in Toni hear. "Yes ma'am", replied the waiter.

A security guard came behind Kenny escorting him out the building, "Mr.Edmonds I need you to leave quietly" before Kenny could turn back around and face Toni, she disappeared into the back. Melvin and Towanda were too busy talking about music they didn't notice anything.

"Girl did you see that" Traci poking at Kenny getting escorted out. "I guess it ain't love in paradise" Replied Traci. Tamar and Traci walked over to the bar where Towanda and Melvin are kicking up laughter. "girl why Kenny getting escorted out" Towanda eye widen as she set her glass down looking for Toni. "Melvin see about Kenny while I check up on toni".

Melvin spotted Kenny on his cellphone. "Yo man did toni put you out?"  Kenny put his phone down from his ear. "man I been calling you" Kenny said. "what happened", Melvin asked.
"All I know was in the middle of my sentence, a security guard came behind me saying I've kicked out the party, then I had turned around and toni was gone"
"Man", Melvin let out a deep breath and trying to think but he running out of options. In the midst of that, someone decides to pay Kenny a visit. "Kenny why the hell is you here!" Nicole yelled walking from her car. " Kenny turns his back, looking at the ground. "yo Melvin can you handle that while I try to get into the party", Melvin already didn't want to come to the party, yet along deal with this mess. "Kenny you own me man", Melvin holding Nicole back from entering the party. "did he just ignored me, Melvin move!"

Toni was alone in her dressing room, fuming but relax, trying to not upset her and her twin babies. Towanda enters the room slowly to see is she alright. "why", Toni didn't flinch or anything she just continues to stare at herself thought the mirror.
"I thought it would be best to kinda get y'all together for-, Toni cut her off. "I told you and everyone else to stay out my personal business, all I asked was for you to just throw me a simple baby shower". She faces Towanda calmly, and sits her fruit punch cup down. "toni I didn't mean to-" Toni cut her off again. "please leave" Toni said.

Towanda left her room hoping Toni understand that she didn't mean to hurt her. However, just about to close her door someone taps Towanda back. "Excuse me, are you Towanda?" she nodded wondering why security asking. " I been instructed to put you out, please follow me and leave quietly" Towanda tried to reopen her door but security made sure nun of that was happening.
Towanda and Kenny were at the front desk trying to get back in but there's no happening. " I can't believe she kick me out and I throw this damn party" Towanda was in odds and disbelief that Toni will do this. One the other hand Kenny is fussing with the receptionist about letting them back into the party.
"Melvin why you still on me, let me go! What the hell is going on here!",Melvin was sick of Kenny's lies. "You want to know the truth, Nicole!" Melvin was the complete opposite from Kenny, Melvin keeps no secret. He had let her go and they both fix their clothes. "Kenny doesn't love you, Nicole, he never did, he only stayed because of her Peyton. He here for Toni, who is pregnant with his child, wait I'm sorry children. Now you want to go in there and act a fool; you go right ahead. She got 4 other sisters and they not letting you even get near Toni; try them".
Nicole stood there speechless, thinking, wondering her next move, then she finally spoke, "if you think this is over, you are wrong", Nicole walked back to her car holding back her tears and then drove off. "see how easy it is, to tell the damn truth", Melvin mumbled to himself.
3 football Security meets the receptionist in the lobby. "Can you escort these two out of the lobby, they have been instructed to leave", Towanda and Kenny left on their own after seeing them big dump trucks as security tried to push them out.

Before Melvin walked into the lobby, he spotted Towanda and Kenny. "yo, what y'all doing out here" before Towanda could answer a security guard throws a bouquet of Rose and sunflower upon Kenny's feet; that Kenny had sent to Toni before the party. "damn" Melvin said.

"Melvin could yo go in there and do something" Melvin is tired of this mess and is ready to go home. "Kenny it's over, clearly she wants nothing to do with you", Melvin replied. Kenny damn near beg Melvin to try something. "ite man, stay by the window, I will be right back."

Kenny and Towanda watch the party go on through the glass window and it looks like something is happening. Toni was in the middle of the room with blue and pink light moving. Then a big black balloon came out. "oh Kenny this is the gender reveal that I put together", Towanda hand beat up and down on the window, jumping in excitement. Kenny's heart beating extremely fast, so he looks away.


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