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"Nigga doesn't be poetic now, Toni in that room by herself, fighting for her life and all you could say is "this wasn't supposed to be", Ms.E nag and nag until Kenny understood that this was all his fault. "you ain't a man, you run from your problem and now my daughter laid up in this hospital bed; not knowing if she will die or not".

Kenny felt like shit, it's like he takes 3 steps forward to get knock 5 steps back. "do you even care about your twin girl, because if you did; you would of went to the doctor appointments, paying for treatment bill or actually check up to see if she even ok". Ms.E let Kenny have it, everything single word that came out of her mouth crush his soul into pieces. "ok mother, that enough... You said all that will not make the situation any better", Towanda stops the negatively that poured out of her mouth. "Well he needed to know", replied Ms.E.

Ms.E walk out the lobby and call the entire family: Tamar, Michael jr., Traci, and Trina and even Michael.

While Kenny pacing back in forth trying to process everything. "Kenny I think you should leave", Towanda said stopping him in his tracks. "What, I can't just leave" replied Kenny. "For mothers about to call the family and I think it best if you go; before they start with the blame game". They stare each other down, then he realizes, he just got the dose of her mother's feeling and don't need the opinions of the other. So he felt it was best...for now. "I'll call you soon".
Melvin house

"Yo Kenny, why you here so late— it's going on 11 pm", Melvin said as Kenny rush into his home pacing back and forth. "Toni in the hospital and- Melvin interrupt, "that great, she had the twins?". Before Melvin could finish, he saw Kenny's face and knew something went wrong. "She has a damn heart attack Melvin and I don't know what to do".

The middle of the night news is never good to hear. Melvin's heart stops beating for a sec just by listening to Kenny's pain. He was a scared man and that was something a man will never admit, but at this moment it was easy to see.
Hospitals 1 am

"Mom, you should wait to call them", Towanda announced in frustration. "Too late, Trina and Traci are on the way. Tamar, Michael and Michael jr catching a flight and will be here tomorrow morning", replied Ms.E. "Excuse me—nurse could I see my daughter now!"

Ms.E is very much upset without knowing all the facts, but all she knew was— it was all Kenny's fault.
"I'm sorry, the doctors are still getting her stable, give them another hour", replied the Nurse.

Ms.E is pacing and pacing around the hospital until she gets an answer. She glanced at the time and it just peaking 1 am. Towanda fell asleep on the couch and nobody has arrived yet, due to horrible traffic. "excuse me—Mrs. Braxton, you can see her now, she stable", She glanced at Towanda which was sleep; So she just enters the empty cool room alone.

Single light covered Toni's body, cool but shadow. Her riped clothes were scattered across the room. Little pecks of blood were waisted down below the sheet. The feeling that was felt was, horrific.

"Jesus", was the only words that came out of Ms.E mouth. She stood there, couldn't believe her child. the first child is in an empty room fighting for her life, alone. She dropped to her knee and did what she know, pray. She prayed and prayed and prayed until she finds herself saying it over and over again.

A hand touches her shoulder but as she looks, there was no one there. At that moment she stopped, got up and kiss her daughter's wellness.

Next Morning 4:00 am

Everyone asleep, Ms.E fell asleep on the chair in the corner, all wrapped up in her coats. Towanda knocks out on the couch in the lobby. A crack at the door open. It was the trophy to claim in the spot. Kenny and Melvin eased into the room. Kenny notices everything in the first gleams. "Wow", was the only response of Melvin. They both eased to the end of the bed. Toni looks lifeless and Kenny couldn't stand the looks; so he turns facing to the bright darks outside lights. A hesitate cry came but it was sucked up by the notice of Melvin. "man it's ok, sometimes a cry is necessary", Melvin injected.

There were little hiccups from Kenny that woken up Ms.E. Melvin stood back waiting on her response, "why are you here again, you cause enough-, Melvin snapped as if she was talking to him. "How about you stop!". Melvin steppes to her in frustration. " I heard a lot of blaming been happening-, Ms.E match Melvin's attitude. "because it is his fault if he would have been a grown man and take care of his responsibility she probably wouldn't be stress out and in a coma right now".

"Ms.E, we all do respect but that's Toni and Kenny's relationship, Kenny tried to make it right and be there for Toni!...." at that point, Ms.E was in tear but there was no cry. Kenny was just standing there. "so it all Toni's fault?". Kenny finally injected. "No, you are absolutely right Ms.E", that confession caught her and Melvin off guard, he finally admits it. "but through all of this, Toni and I created two beautiful daughters, that also fighting for their lives. I didn't fight Ms.E you are right, but those two little girls did, so give them that win". Kenny and Melvin look at each other; as Ms.E turns around facing her daughter. Ms.E thought to herself and knew that it was the best decision she could make ever.

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