Chapter 49: Energy Congregation Array

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Long Zhanye moves forward to check on the wound of the woman's left arm before turning to Qin Jun. "The one who amputated her hand, was it you?"

Although the amputation itself is a little crude, the bandaging technique applied to staunch blood flow is perfect. To be able to achieve such great results under the worst circumstances possible clearly proves that this man's medical expertise is wonderous.

"When I arrived, the front gates were wide open. I saw her being tackled to the floor by a monster the moment I came in. Her left hand had already been bitten." Qin Jun explains as he soothes Li Qing. "On my way here, I saw how anyone who was bitten by those creatures will eventually turn into one of I thought, if I remove the area where the bite is, then perhaps they can be saved, but..."

"A zombie's infection spreads extremely quickly, no matter if one is bitten or scratched..." Huo Zaiyuan interrupts as he approaches Li Qing's mother.

From the looks of it, she is already beginning to change. Although the initial infected area has already been removed and the speed of infection has been deterred...

"Don't tell me...there truly is no way to save them..." Gradually calming down, Li Qing hesitantly glances at the other three people.

Pursing his lips, Huo Zaiyuan looks at his best friend, then slowly opens his mouth. "They cannot be rescued. But perhaps I can allow Aunt to regain consciousness and be clear-headed for a while. It will allow you to speak to her one last time..."

Looking up at Huo Zaiyuan with tear-filled eyes, Li Qing nods in consent. "Okay, little Yuan, please let me speak to my mum..."

Ever since he left his mother's side at a young age, there were very few chances for them to meet face to face. On a typical day, he can only rely on phone calls to hear his mother's voice and talk to her. This time, if it wasn't because he broke up with Qin Jun, he wouldn't have come to this city...

It has been over ten days since the start of the apocalypse, and although he has spent all that time hiding with his mother, most of his time was wasted watching the movements of those monsters outside...he more or less understands the issue his mother is facing and the infection now spreading slowly through her body. After she was bitten, she will eventually turn into one of those, he isn't begging for his mother to be rescued from this fate, but rather, that he will be able to say goodbye to her. That in itself might be an extravagant wish too, now that he thinks about it.

"Qin Jun, older brother Long, can you please move the furniture in that corner away?" Huo Zaiyuan draws in a deep breath, then points towards the cabinet and armchair.

Although Qin Jun doesn't understand why Huo Zaiyuan wants them to move the furniture away, but for the sake of Li Qing, he fulfils the request without question.

On the other hand, Long Zhanye knows about Huo Zaiyuan's Taoist art. If he asks them to move the furniture away, it obviously means he needs the space to perform an array of some sort. Hence, he too doesn't ask for a reason.

Although he hadn't been asked to help, Li Qing gets up anyway.

While the three went to move the furniture, Huo Zaiyuan settles down beside Li Qing's mother, left hand flicking to retrieve three coin talisman, imbuing them with energy, then place one on the woman's forehead, chest and abdomen. When the last piece is in position, her once grey complexion slowly reverts back to a wane beige colour, her physical strength clearly recovering as a result, breath coming out stronger and steadier.

"Little Yuan, it's done." Long Zhanye announces as he returns to his side.

"Un, then please move Aunt over into that corner. Be careful not to let any of the wooden pieces slip from their positions." Huo Zaiyuan rises and moves over to the dining table.

Rebirth of MC Chpt 1 - 101  (unedited translation)Where stories live. Discover now