Chapter 99: Zhou Xingfeng

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"No - nothing, Senior...please continue." Wen Bin forces a light laugh on his gentle face, reaching out to rest an arm on Zhou Xingfeng's shoulder, burying his face in the older student's chest. This way, the other male cannot see the expression on his face.

He likes Zhou Xingfeng.

On the night the apocalypse began, when his roommate suddenly changed into a man-eating monster, it was Senior who broke down his door, killed the creature and rescued him. When Wen Bin can't stop worrying about his family, Zhou Xingfeng offered to accompany him home when they next go out on a scavenging trip. Because of Senior, Wen Bin was able to safely retrieve his sick younger brother trapped in their home. When he was afraid of those monsters, it was Zhou Xingfeng who generously help him train, helped him build up his courage to the point that he is now able to protect not only himself but his companions too. When he first realised he wasn't straight after falling for Senior, Wen Bin felt that he himself was disgusting. However, he cannot stop his honest feelings. Every time he witnesses the other surviving female Seniors and Juniors teasing Xingfeng, he feels as though something is tearing his heart to shreds...

Which is why one night, he took a bottle of alcohol from the pile of scavenged goods and looked for Zhou Xingfeng with the intention of making his Senior drunk...

Due to that incident, Zhou Xingfeng felt guilty and responsible even if he didn't notice Wen Bin's intentions. Hence, Wen Bin continuously guilt-tripped his Senior and exploited his kindness in order to be alone with him. Because this is the only way he knows he can hug his Senior close without worry.

However, today, amongst the small group that suddenly appeared in school...Zhou Xingfeng actually blurted out the word "wife" to one of them. In addition, he displayed such closeness to that person, resulting in Wen Bin's current uneasy frame of mind.

If Zhou Xingfeng likes someone with such remarkable appearance, then what can he do...

"If you feel pain, just say."

"It's not painful, Senior." Shaking his head, the arms draped around Zhou Xingfeng's shoulder tightens slightly as he answers softly.

Looking down at the Junior hugging him tightly, Zhou Xingfeng bows his head to drop a kiss on the younger male's hair.


Originally, Huo Zaiyuan's party thought they will only spend one night in the school before continuing on their way. But they didn't take into account running into their friend Zhou Xingfeng. Under Li Qing's relentless pleading and negotiation, they decide to stay here for another two days.

"Do you plan to continue staying here with all of them?" After glancing at the other survivors around him, Huo Zaiyuan shifts his gaze to his friend presently sitting in such an undignified pose on the ground, eating dry flatbread.

"Well, what do you think?" Chewing on the flavourless bread, Zhou Xingfeng asks. "When the apocalypse began, most of these students were rescued by the joint effort between me and a few others. The adults are here because they risked coming to school to find their children. The fortunate ones are able to reunite with their kids, the less fortunate ones found only the dead corpses of their children who turned into zombies...there were more people here before, but a few left. They said it was to find an unobstructed road out of this city. These here are the remaining. If you really want me to abandon these lost children and the despairing parents, it will be the same as condemning them to certain death."

Huo Zaiyuan and Zhou Xingfeng came to know each other during their high school years. Having been in the same class for two consecutive years, they played, gamed and caused havoc together. Amongst his small circle of friends, Xingfeng can be counted as one of Huo Zaiyuan's good friend. Regarding Zhou Xingfeng's character, he more or less understands.

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