Chapter 101: Zombie hodgepodge

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A female zombie clad in a thin hospital gown suddenly pounces out from around the corner, only to have its head split in two by a blade. Grey brain matter and rotting flesh fly into the air in a diagonal arc. Nimbly sidestepping, Huo Zaiyuan avoids getting filthy goop all over himself.

Glancing down at the motionless corpse by his feet, Huo Zaiyuan feels that the appearance of these zombies is much more disgusting compared to before. The trio has slaughtered their way up to the tenth floor, leaving behind countless bodies. This entire journey has been filled with rotting flesh, dismembered limbs and mushy brains. Coupled together with the ever-present putrid stench, it really makes one feel like they are walking through hell on earth.

"Blurghh..." Unable to hold it down any longer, Zhou Xingfeng retches at a corner of the hallway.

"We can't go on like this. I reckon we'll be done in by the putrid odour even before we manage to find the medicine." Zhou Xingfeng's vomiting only serves in making Huo Zaiyuan's urge to do the same increase.

The only one who didn't seem all that affected by their surroundings is Long Zhanye. Throughout this entire journey wading through rotting meat, bones, blood and innards, his expression remains constantly calm and collected. Not once did he wrinkle his nose at the stink or in any way indicated a desire to puke. Inwardly, Huo Zaiyuan wonders if every elite soldier is forced to go through special training and acquire this heaven-defying ability...this type of endurance is truly supernatural.

"This staircase ends at the eleventh floor. We need to leave it and go through this level to the other side in order to keep heading upwards." Having already memorised the entire hospital layout, Long Zhanye plans out their next route as he encourages the other two to endure a little longer. "The eleventh floor is for inpatients and there is also a lounge for doctors. We can search that area later for surgical masks."


The two younger men nod and off they go again, breathing in shallowly to avoid tasting the putrid air at the back of their throats. Spurred on by the thought of finally acquiring masks, their pace accelerates quite a bit. But it doesn't mean they let their guards down more, for every zombie that attacks is put down mercilessly, with a slash or a stab.

Arriving at the eleventh floor, sure enough, there are no more stairs leading upwards. Huo Zaiyuan sets another array at the top of this stairs to ensure no more zombies will appear in this area.

"Inpatient Department. This means that the number of zombies here will definitely be a lot. Be very careful. Although there is a charm on each of us to conceal our aura, if an undead gets too close, they will still be aware of our presence." Huo Zaiyuan warns, handing another charm to the others just in case the first one lost its usefulness already.

Originally, Zhou Xingfeng didn't really believe Huo Zaiyuan's charm and talisman to be of any use. However, that view changed immediately when a zombie he overlooked clawed at him, only to be blocked by a flash of silver light. Personally witnessing the wooden tile save his little life, he nearly got down on his knees and worshipped it.

This thing is too goddamn mystical ah!

"Let's get going." Long Zhanye says, then reaches out to turn the knob of the staircase's exit door, pulling it open slowly. Confirming the way is clear after peeking out, he leads the way forward, footsteps soundless against the tiled floor.

Following behind Long Zhanye, Huo Zaiyuan and Zhou Xingfeng continue sweeping their gaze in all directions, not wanting to risk overlooking anything.

The long deserted hallways of a hospital appear rather sinister in itself. Adding on the lack of electricity, the entire stretch before them is cast into shadows, as though they are looking into the gaping maw of a large creature. Just the thought of walking down this path is enough to make one's hair stand on end. Their surroundings are eerily silent, the stench from before mixing together with the strong smell of disinfectant...sight, smell and hearing...this current situation really puts a lot of strain on these senses.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2019 ⏰

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