Chapter 100: Retrieving medicine

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Qin Jun settles down on the edge of the bed, carefully checking over the groggy Wen Bin. A few moments later, he pulls the blanket back up and tucks it around the youth. Standing up, he turns to regard the anxious Zhou Xingfeng.

"His wounds opened again and become inflamed."

"You beast." Wringing cold water from the cloth in his hands, Li Qing spits out these two words as he places the wet towel on Wen Bin's forehead.

"Tsk, tsk...really didn't expect this from Brother Zhou ah. You actually ravaged a young sprout[1]." Huo Zaiyuan ridicules from where he sits, drinking a mouthful of water.

"Eh...that...Qin Jun, is Wen Bin's situation critical? Does he need medicine?" Gazing down at Wen Bin's feverish face, Zhou Xingfeng's heart feels very uncomfortable, as though something is mercilessly squeezing it. Distracted by the unease, he completely disregards the jabs his classmates threw at him.

"The infected wounds caused this fever, but we have antibiotics here, so it shouldn't be an issue. As long as he takes this medicine properly, the fever will recede. However, there may be another possible reason for this Junior brother's fever." Qin Jun purses his lips lightly, then continues. "I just gave him a full-body check-up and discovered that he has a type of heart disease. The bottle he clutched in his hand is a medicine that will keep his condition under control. From the looks of things, he was diagnosed with it a long time ago. The problem now is the bottle's empty. I don't know how long he has gone without his medication, but if this fever is due to his condition, then it will be troublesome."

"Troublesome...then, what can we do? How can we save him?" Zhou Xingfeng pounces on Qin Jun, a hand grabbing the apprentice doctor's collar.

"If there's still a hospital around, all we need to do is bring him there for an injection and take a couple medicines and he will be fine." Qin Jun answers calmly, not taking Xingfeng's rude actions to heart. "But it's the apocalypse now. There are no hospitals."

"Are you saying we need to find the injection and medicine for Wen Bin?"

"Correct. Even if his heart disease is not the cause of his fever this time, he absolutely cannot go without his medication, I'm sure you understand."

"I'll go take it from the hospital." Releasing his grip on Qin Jun, Zhou Xingfeng looks at Wen Bin, hands clenching into fists. "I cannot let anything happen to him."

"Hospitals have the highest risk factor." Sitting beside Huo Zaiyuan, Long Zhanye who had kept silent all this while finally opens his mouth. "When I was communicating with my grandfather before, he told me there were a few foreshadowing omens of things to come a week before the apocalypse. During that short period, a large number of people all over the country suddenly came down with a strange illness. The first symptoms are fainting, becoming scatter-brained, then loss of consciousness. None of them woke from their coma until that night. When they finally opened their eyes, everyone one of the victims were already transformed. So the number of zombies in hospitals will definitely be more than even the ones on the streets."

"I still have to go. I can't stand seeing Wen Bin..." Zhou Xingfeng blurts out.

"Since you have already made up your mind, then let's go." Standing up as he says so, Long Zhanye lazily stretches, a faint smirk on his face. That look is of someone ready to fearlessly take on any challenges thrown at him...the very image of a warrior.

"" Never did Zhou Xingfeng expect Long Zhanye to offer his help so readily.

"Little Yuan will definitely not stand aside when you go off to retrieve medicine." Long Zhanye shifts his gaze to Huo Zaiyuan, asking. "Isn't that right?"

Rebirth of MC Chpt 1 - 101  (unedited translation)Where stories live. Discover now