Chapter 2: Who are You?

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The next day Andy took me shopping. We went to the mall and he bought me anything I wanted. He's awesome.

I ended up with a catbug plushie and kill la kill shirt from Hot Topic, an illuminati looking tank top a floral strapless dress and a flannel from Papaya. A Regular Show snapback from Spencers, a Attack on Titan keychain and last but not least a lip ring. Yea he let me get my lip pierced.

When we got back it was around 3 and the party started at 5. I went into my room and layed out my new stuff. I decided to wear the flannel with the dress and the snapback.

I decided to take a shower. It was freezing outside so the warm water felt nice on my skin. I washed then quickly dried off and got dressed because it was the cold month of November.

It was now 3:45 and I was expecting Reece and Acid at around 4- ish. They were coming early so that we could catch up and get ready together before the party. And this is the moment when I heard a knock on the door then a blood curdling scream.

I ran downstairs to see Reece wrapped around Andy and Acid just awkwardly fangirling in the corner. I gave a confused look to Reece. Once she noticed me staring she screamed at me. "You didnt fucking tell me that your fucking dad was Andy fucking Biersack." I just continued to star at her in confusion.

I then realized that my new "dad" was still suffocating. "Reece. Down. Off Andy. Now." I said and she instantly got off him and ran over to hug me. Acid also ran over to me ,the both of them pushing and shoving to see who would hug me better.

We then ran upstairs giggling like little girls. We reached my door and I opened it with Reece running in and jumping on my bed. As soon as I closed the door we all bursted out laughing. "What the fuck was that Reece?" I managed out. "What you didn't tell me that your new dad was the lead singer of my favorite band Black Veil Brides!" I just laughed.

"Well the rest of his band is coming over tonight for the party he said he wanted me to meet them." I said still a bit giggly. Reece and Acid both just stared at me jaw dropped. I guess they really liked Andy's band. Which was strange seeing that I've never heard of them.

It was now 5:00. Andy's friends would arrive soon. I sat on the couch with Acid and Reece. We just chatted about random things that came to mind. This is what I missed with them.

All of a sudden the doorbell rang and Andy yelled at me to get it. I opened the door and my breath was taken away. It was a guy with long pitch black straight hair. He was really hot. And I mean REALLY hot. "Umm hey I dont believe we've met? Im Ashley and you are very beautiful." He said interrupting my thoughts. I then heard the screech of a wild Reece and was pushed out of the way right as I was about to respond.

Andy awkwardly pryed Reece off of Ashley. He then turned to him and said. "You better not fucking be flirting with my daughter Ruby. Got it Purdy?" He put his hands up as a surrender and nodded. Next to come was Christian Coma, or as everyone else called him CC. Then Jake Pitts. And last to show up was Jinxx.

Most of the party is a blur to me. I do know however that Andy was mad dogging Ashley the whoole time. I also know that I danced with all the guys and Ashley noticed my light scars on my wrist. Everyone ended up spending the night.

I woke up with a horrible headache. Acid had went home. She had to leave to go pack her bags for New York, where she planned to pursue her dreams of a dancing career. Reece was awake laying next to me in my bed just staring at the ceiling. She never seems to sleep anymore. Ever since that bitch Milo broke her heart. I just layed there next to Reece snuggled up and chatting a bit. Wow. I really missed her. I missed this.

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