Part 8

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It all started when a guy friend of mine begged me to join him on a fun day at the Lake out of town. At first I thought I was going with him but then I've realized he had a girlfriend. He said another one of his friends Jimmy would be joining us and that I would be his date cause he liked me that much. I saw a text come to his phone.

"Baby we should join Cassandra and Jimmy at the Lake. It's so romantic and it would be more fun if we go as a group.

That's when I thought to myself, "I can't stand to see them together"

"She said No, but I said yes anyway" He replied back to her.

I was so excited. I picked my best outfit for the day and headed to the door where I found Josh and his tiny girlfriend making out.

"Gosh, that's so grouse. You two should get a room."

"Casey, you look amazing" Zack shouted from behind me as he admired my dress and legs.

"Where's Jimmy" I asked scanning my eyes around.

"He will be here in a minute. Maybe you should call him"

I took my phone from my purse. Finding five miscalls from Jimmy. I called him back and his voice sounded a bit terrible.

"Cassandra darling. I was just calling to make sure you didn't bail on me"

"Nah, where are you. We are all here waiting for you"

"Right in the corner"

All I saw was an old man probably in his fifties racing towards us in a black Rubicon.

"Where, I can't see you"

"Right next to you darling" The man from the Rubicon jumped off headed to our direction.

"Hi Cassandra"

"Who are you?"

"Jimmy. I believe you're waiting for me"

"You're fucking with my head right, Are you Jimmy's dad?"

"No sweetie. I'm the one you are waiting for. Now let's get going before it gets too late."

My eyes welled up with anguish, rage and curiosity. I stared at Josh in disbelief and tears started flowing unflappably from my defeated eyes.

"Is this what you take me for? A hoe? You chose to go with your young and pretty girlfriend while I get to go with your filthy old uncle. Have you no respect for me at all. Josh you of all people. Do I look like those girls to you" I shouted raged in anger still lost in words.

"My uncle really likes you okay and he was gon pay me a real good deal if I hooked up two of you"

"Is this all I am to you? A financial back out to entertain whoever or whatever" I was now starting to get more annoyed as I already was.

"Well I thought you were a goal keeper in an empty goal"

"Zack ran over to Josh and hit him a punch for the whole world to know. I looked at his silly girlfriend and just shacked my head in disbelief. She ran to me, holding my hand, trying to apologize.

"Believe me Casey. I had no idea Jimmy was his uncle. I thought he was your boyfriend. A much younger dude."

"Well you thought wrong" rolling my eyes.

I took my heels off and walked back into the house. I started to breath very heavily and that's when I started looking for my asthma spray. Everybody followed me in my room and sat on my sofa looking at me with worry. I started feeling my breath fading.

"Ow! In case y'll didn't know, I have asthma" Rolling my eyes at Josh.

"That's just Casey being dramatic and an attention seeker" Josh claimed.

My breathing stropped and I started catching my breath.

"I....think...I'm attack. Get me my Asthma spray in that bag"

Zack and Josh's girlfriend ran over to my bag and handed me two sprays. I pumped one in my nose and another to the back of my tongue and started to control my breathing.

"Christ Cassandra, how come you never told us about this before" Josh asked with his mouth opening and shutting like that of a landed fish.

"Cause you never asked. All you ever cared about was being seen with the most popular girl in town. You didn't even bother to know the real me.

"I'm so..." before he could finish his sentence, I cut him off, "Now get the hell out of my room and don't you dare show your face here again"

Zack threw him out and after twenty minutes of suspicious gazing, they all left me to rest. All night long I cried. How lonely lied my soul. I was convinced that what hurts the soul is lighter than what hurts the flesh.

"Wow that's horrible. I can't imagine what you've been through" Maya commented shockingly.

I raised an eyebrow, "Yeah tell me about it."

"What happened to Zack, do you still talk to him"

"He was part of the few that I kept close but then he moved to a new town for his new job."

"Damn Josh is such an asshole. I wish I was there to punch his jaws off." We both laughed and continued with our lunch quietly.

"Hey guys.. how do you like the story so far? P.s This story is not yet edited i might change some parts later after we have reached the dead end."

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