Your back story

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-video above actually made me cry lol-

Years ago, your father was an outlaw so you've never actually got to see him but you lived happily with your mother and little brother. You exit your room one morning to find your mother cooking.
"hey momma!" You said, She replies with a small smile before asking "uhh y/n can you go to the market and get us some groceries for dinner tonight! I got surprise for you and your brother!"

You nodded, eager to see what you mom has planned tonight.
You put on your jacket and climbed onto your carriage and set off on your way into town. You picked up the groceries your mom requested but before getting back to your carriage you bumped into your old best friend and his wife. your best friend smiled "howdy buddy it's me Jake! Oh this is my wife Sadie!"
You hug your best friend but hesitate in front of Sadie as if you've seen her somewhere before but you shake it off and greet her "howdy miss!" Jake chuckled "I know I know, my wife is a beauty of her own!" You wish them well and ride back home but with an unpleasant surprise! Your house was burning, you get off your carriage and race to your house but before you could get to it a man punched you. You hit the ground but He laughs and kneels down to talk to you "where's your father boy?"

You shake your head, not knowing anything about him as you've only seen him when you were little. But I try telling him that "I don't know..." but the man isn't joking around, he brings out your mother and little brother and asks again for a finale turn "where is your father....Arthur?" You see the fear in your family's eyes and beg for their lives, you even beg for him to kill you instead...please... I don't know, kill me instead"
But he isn't having it and Everything seemed to go slow motion as you see your mother and brother get shot down in front of you. You struggle as the men hold you back, your mother reaches out her hand and you can see the life drain from her eyes.
The man shrugged "well, boy... I'll introduce myself "the names Colm
O'Driscol, now we are about to hunt down Jake Adler, you can join us or be against us!"
You were on your knees broken but all you felt was anger "I'll kill you!"
O'Driscol punched you in the face, everything goes black.

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