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You woke up in a tent and slowly got up, weak from the shot and damage that came to you but you heard people talking so you slowly exit the tent. You saw a man getting mad at Sadie "why'd you bring him here, he could be dangerous!"
Without thinking you stepped in front of Sadie and tried defending her "that's not how you talk to a ladie!"
She chuckled and reminded you "I'm no average lady

y/n..." you heard a familiar voice that you haven't heard in a really long time so you looked over to see a barge through "what's the meaning of this!....y/n..."
That's when you saw it, I mean you haven't seen him in forever but he almost looked the same so you called to him "..father..."
The man threatened Sadie and then you instantly became friendly "I'm Dutch and it's great to see Arthur's boy alive!"

Shortly after you sat near the lake with Arthur sitting beside you, there was only awkward silence. He was the first to break it to apologize "hey y/n...I saw the house and thought you were all dead...I'm sorry..."
You looked to his dad, knowing he's the reason your still here and your family ain't "dad I don't forgive you but in time I may..."
Arthur's smiled "that's all I ask
y/n...you and Sadie seem close.."

You nodded and smirked before remembering "she dated my best friend before he was killed..."
Arthur sighed "life hasn't been easy in you huh..."
You shook your head, still remembering the screams of your victims "no, it certainly hasn't...everytime I close my eyes I hear screams..."
Arthur's put his arm around you and tried comforting you "it never gets easy...it's just builds up with the rest..."

After Everyone was celebrating for you but you instead went to see Sadie "I'm glad your alive..." you chuckled, she joins in and laughs before telling you "me too y/n but we need to talk about what I saw..,you were an animal..."
you closed your eyes remembering the day in that barn but you try shaking off the subject and directing it to her "yeh I heard stories too..."

she sighed and smiled "i May lose my temper but I'm serious y/n..,I don't want you turning like those people..."
he/she put his hand on hers "I won't Sadie...and now I got you to help me.."
She slipped her hand away from
his/hers "sorry I just lost Jake recently..."
y/n nodded "I understand and I miss him too sometimes..."
she chuckled and punched him/her in the arm "this is supposed to be your celebration!"
She slipped away and went back to her tent.

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