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Weeks went by, your group was staying at a cave and the group got way more tense.
You could feel the more seriousness, Charles even left after Dutch messed around with a bunch of natives.

Sadie kissed you in the cheek "me and Arthur are gonna get kill the rest of the ol'driscols."
You grabbed her arm "cold back to me Sadie..."
she chuckled "of course who else is gonna save you from yourself?"
You watched them ride off but Abigail walked up "y/n I can see this group is falling apart...Sadie is falling apart...you know if you don't go after her she'll come back different..."
You nodded "yeh, thanks...your like a second mom you know that right?"
Abigail laughed " ill take that as a compliment second son."

You rode after Sadie and Arthur but when you got there, it might've been too late.
You saw Sadie covered in blood on top of a bloody ol'driscoll body.
She looked up and saw you but she wasn't Sadie, the bloody girl you were facing was someone you've never seen before.

You tried to grab Sadie hand but she pushed you away "stop y/n! They deserved it!"
You shook your head " your hearing yourself right? Sure they deserved it but we can't get bloodthirsty it we'll exactly like them."
Sadie shook her head "I'm a hero!"
You nodded "yeh you did it but what did it cost..."
Sadie kicked the body again so you looked away "Sadie I can't do this anymore I don't want to lose you too but it seems I already have."

That night Sadie arrived back to her tent but you were gone so she looked to your old tent but nothing, she saw Arthur standing next to a tree so she walked up but Arthur shook his head "he already left..."

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