Childhood crush

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Years even more ago when before your family was killed and were alive. you and your family showed up for church but when you entered you didn't know where to sit but you caught a glimpse of a girl sitting on the side.
She wasn't like the other girls... they usually dressed nice when you saw them at church but this girl wore dirty overalls, her blond hair down and it was all messy and tangled in knots.
You sat beside her but she turned to you and smiled "my names Sadie!"
You smiled because she was friendly and she was missing teeth, it made her look adorable!

After church Sadie was holding your hand "yeh my parents and I were just passing through but stopped here....may you show me around town?"
You quickly nodded, showing her around your childhood town.

it got dark eventually, you and Sadie laid under the stars, Looking up the stars and moon but she broke the silence "y/n me and my family may be leaving tomorrow but I enjoyed our time together!"
You turned to face her, that adorable girl you just met. You two just stared into the others eyes, even though you were only kids you strangely felt connected?"

The next morning, Sadie was leaving but she kissed you on the cheek before riding away. A few days later a new boy showed up and he ended up becoming your best friend Jake

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