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Y/n was doing chores around camp, once he was done he sighed and complained "when will I do some riding?"
Sadie was drinking coffee watching y/n "I don't know, they haven't let me ride with them yet..."
Y/n chuckled "feels like we should just go out, the two of us?"
Sadie chuckled "I'm not taking you out until I know you can keep it together and not lose control."
Y/n laughed "yeh, ok, wasn't it you who threatened to kill Pearson?"

She raised her hands in defence "hey that man can really piss of a women."
You sighed "but I'm bored Sadie!!!"
She shook her head "fine just me and you..."
you ride into town with Sadie, mainly picking up groceries but you heard music within the pub and taller Sadie on the shoulder.
She looked to you to see you with your hand out before asking Sadie "you wanna dance?"

She blushed "I've haven't danced in years!"
You chuckled "me neither!"
She grabbed your hand and you pulled her close, your arm around her waist and her head on your chest just slowly dancing.
She chuckled "y/n... after Jake...died I thought I lost everything but out of nowhere there you are standing in the light....the light I needed in this fucked up world."
You leaned down and kissed her, she hesitated at first before kissing back.
You wish you could stare there in at that moment just you and Sadie but bill rode up "hey lover birds knock off the shitty kissing, Dutch and Arthur are gone and John has been thrown in jail."

You froze "my dad's gone again.."
bill nodded "they tried robbing a bank...Lenny and Hosea are dead..."
you fell to your knees "LENNY!!!"

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