Hidden Truth Three Houses AU

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A/N: Hi guys! I'm just letting you know the dialogue is similar to the actual DLC itself but will still be different in certain ways (and I might make some dialogue between the three a bit shorter since you can literally just go on youtube and watch the dialogue lol). Also this part takes place in the same place as the DLC did (Ylisse from Awakening) and takes place sometime before Byleth comes to the monastery for the first time but also takes place after all the students joined the officers academy... Anyways I hope you all enjoy :)



"Owain, Inigo, Severa... Are you all ready?" Rhea said to them.

"Yes. My fell hand and I are ready!" Owain declared

"Naturally" Inigo said calmly

"Let's get this over with" Severa demanded

Rhea threw them all a smile. "Excellent. Then we shall all begin"

Rhea roared just like she would in her dragon form and some magic happened to the three teenagers in front of her.


Owain, Inigo & Severa hair all changed! Owain's brand is also gone!

They were all confused and started to freak out a bit

"Wha? What Just happened? Why did you change the colour of my hair?" Severa demanded

Owain was more concerned about his brand disappearing "Huh?! My Brand is gone!"

However Inigo seemed a bit more calm than the others even though he was also worrying about this magic that just happened. He says with an awkward look "Lady Rhea, why did you cast this magic on us?"

Rhea faces towards the three seriously, "I thought for all of your own and loved ones safety and so I thought the most wise decision would be is to change your identities including your hair colours before we head off to the destination that I'm taking you all to. It is the least I can do for giving you such a difficult task..."

Severa looked down disappointed "N'awww but I liked my old hair colour..."

Inigo had a flirty smirk on his face and faced towards Severa "I wouldn't worry about that Severa, your hair looks as beautiful as ever"

Owain started to smirk too and said to Inigo "And I see, your the same as ever"

Rhea faced towards them seriously and spoke, "Now that I have changed your appearances, you'll all need new clothes, powers and even new names for all three of you"

Owain looked mortified and asked "What? New... new names and powers?"

"Uh Lady Rhea... ya kiddin right?" Severa said irritatedly.

"I apologise but I am being completely serious. I cannot afford for our enemies to find out where you all came from... It could be all of you love in great risk so unfortunately hiding your true identities is this only way forward..." Rhea apologised and felt guilty.

Owain looked sulky until he thought of an idea! "So we must hide our true identities in case the worst happens...- Hey wait maybe this isn't so bad after all! A shadowy warrior of darkness living under a false identity- I can get used to that!"

Inigo realised something and then confronted Rhea about it, "Wait Lady Rhea... If we have to change our identity... Does that mean this task you are about to give us is incredibly difficult and dangerous?"

Rhea looked down "Yes. That is correct..." she hesitated but continued "This task requires the three of you to travel to another place and time to fight for me- or rather protect students for me... It's a world very different to yours and I hope the flow of time shines upon you all"

Trio of Students / FE3H AU - Inigo/laslow, Owain/Odin & Severa/SelenaWhere stories live. Discover now