Supports - Male Byleth/Selena

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A/N: Here is Selena's first support yay! :D Supports available between her and Byleth will be C, B, A & S ranked supports.


C Support between Byleth & Selena. Location is dining hall, OST is "Funny Footsteps". Available after chapter 3 but unavailable after chapter 12.


Byleth is standing in the dining hall until a red haired, twin tailed girl suddenly showed up in his face.

"Teach, answer this question!" Selena asked Byleth

This caught Byleth by surprise.

>> Did you just call me Teach?

Selena started acting all brash "Y-yeah I did so what? You got a problem with that huh? Hmph Fine then! I'll call you professor then if you keep demanding me!"

>> I wasn't demanding anything...

"Well whatever then! Make up your mind on what bothers you!" Selena was making no sense

Byleth responded with "..."

This response angered Selena. Her expression and tone were enough for anyone to tell "What's with the blank stare? Are you that full of yourself that you think you better than everyone else? Is that why you're giving me the silent treatment? H-how narcissistic of you!"

>> What are you talking about?

Selena ignores the question Byleth asked and continued "Well now! Since you think your the best at everything, I demand you to a sword duel in the training grounds later on! When I'm more ready!"

>>But I-

> Selena...

(Same outcome)

"Don't back out if you aren't confident enough! If you really want to be the professor of our class, then prove it if your so good at everything! Not to mention, there is no way you're better than me in anyway" She said in bragging and proud tone. She even winked when she said it. Selena ran away.

Byleth thought to himself "What was that all about?"


Byleth & Selena achieved C Support!


B Support between Byleth & Selena. Location is training grounds, OST is "Funny Footsteps". Available after chapter 3 but unavailable after chapter 12.


Byleth was training in the training grounds until all of a sudden Selena walked up behind him.

"Oh? Are you training for our duel? Do you feel threatened by me?" Selena teased with a wink.

Byleth turned around to face Selena

>> No I was just training

> I don't feel threatened by you at all

(Same dialogue outcome. However if "I don't feel threatened by you at all" is chosen, bond decreases.)

"Sheesh well let's duel right now then! Let's prove whom is stronger and better than the other. Give this duel your all!" Selena declared and started to attack.

Byleth defended himself


Not too long later, Byleth claimed victorious in this duel and Selena lost against him. She looked upset.

"I-I lost? H-how on earth did something like that even happen!" Selena was surprised.

>> It seems like I won

Trio of Students / FE3H AU - Inigo/laslow, Owain/Odin & Severa/SelenaWhere stories live. Discover now