Supports - Female Byleth/Laslow

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A/N: Here is the first support :D and this one will be C, B, A & S between these two :) Anyways lets get on with it!


Support C between Byleth & Laslow. OST is "Respite of Sunlight", Location is Garden house. Available after chapter 3 but unavailable after chapter 11


Laslow walks out of nowhere while Byleth is in the gardenhouse. "Ah Professor. Just the one I wanted to see."

Byleth turns around

>> You wanted to see me?

> What?

(dialogue choice has same outcome.)

"Professor I must say, you're such a beauty that I had to come and find you. Would someone as lovely as yourself like to join me for some tea?" Laslow has with a goofy grin and a wink on his face.

Byleth shakes her head.

Laslow gives the same face as he would normally after he gets rejected "Oho I even got rejected by my own professor... Rejection my dear old friend strikes me once again"

>> I'm assuming you get rejected all the time

Laslow looks at Byleth with a bit of an embarrassed face. "H-how would you know that what from just that one rejection?"

>> Because you clearly aren't serious about what you do

> Because you're terrible at flirting

(same outcomes for each)

Laslow is still smiling towards Byleth despite her cruel words. "Such cruelty Professor! I'm am very serious when it comes to flirting and I am always serious when flirting"

>> It doesn't appear that way

Laslow looks unhurt from these words and continues smiling. He even winks at her "My my, professor you sure have quite the sharp tongue. Perhaps... do you use such cruel words towards those your... secretly in love with?"

-Byleth walks out of the gardenhouse-

"Wait, WAIT Professor! I was- and she's left. Oh wait theres another beauty over there..."


Byleth and Laslow achieved C support!



B Support between Byleth and Laslow. Location is cathedral. Available after chapter 9. OST is "Spiderwebs"


Laslow seems to be full on focused and praying. His expression wasn't his goofy smirk he'd normally have. Instead his expression was filled with sadness. "..."

Byleth walks up behind him.

>> Laslow...?

Laslow seemed startled. He didn't expect someone to interrupt him. "Pro-Professor! I uh didn't know you were here!"

>> I didn't expect to see you here

"Uh yeah... I uh... OH I uh was just waiting for you! Yes for you! I um wanted to you to join me for some tea, Would you like to?" Laslow seemed embarrassed. He wasn't his normal happy self but he attempted to do that image. Byleth wasn't convinced of this image he tried to pull. 

> Your expression was full of sadness

>> Are you ok?

(different dialogue outcomes. "Are you ok?" option increases bond.)

Trio of Students / FE3H AU - Inigo/laslow, Owain/Odin & Severa/SelenaWhere stories live. Discover now