Yellow Raincoat (edited)

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Justin Bieber: Yellow Raincoat
"People don't forget girls like you. They try. But they won't ever forget what your love felt like"- anonymous

Chapter Two: Sabrina's POV

I pushed the trolley along with great struggle and stood in front of the large flatscreen TV which reflected my ridiculous self. I heard someone bickering in the background and they sounded really familiar. Turning my head into the direction of the voice, I saw Katrina sussing at a 12 year old.

"What are you staring at?" she asks sternly.

"Nothing" the timid boy answered.

The little boy ran away from her. Something about her was different, I saw her only three hours ago but her hair was a different, it had a shade purple mixed in it. She turned to my direction and smiled.


"Hey Katrina..." I smile whilst waiting patiently in the line. She's acting like she's seeing me after a few years when in reality, we met merely hours ago.

"How was the move?" I ask. She frowns at me and nods her head.

"Yeah, sad that you weren't there. Anyways Zoella decided to stay in your room so she's sharing with you. I need some privacy with Augustus anyways." She laughs. I smiled to myself, I thought I was going to be alone again.

"Are you sure?" I asked, regretting those words immediately. If Katrina decided she wanted Zoella back I would have no one.

"Yeah I'll be fine" she smirks while giving me a wink. I look away and shake my head. I really didn't want to know what she and her boyfriend will be doing alone.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn around to see who it was. It was my mum. She smiled and placed the chicken in the trolley. She turns to Katrina and gives her a questioning look.

"Hello Hazel, I am Katrina" She smiles even though mother already knew her.

Mother nods her head but doesn't say anything instead she turns to me and gives me a disapproving look. Katrina doesn't respond instead she raises her arm up to wave goodbye to me.

"Bye! I'll see you later Sabrina!!!" Katrina smiles as she walks away with the plastic bags in her hand. I wish I was as confident and as pretty as her. I don't why or how I'm even friends with her.

* * * *

Mother slowly opens the door and I rush in with more than half of what my mum is carrying. After setting everything on the table. She asks me to freshen up and rest while she finishes cooking dinner and as usual I did as she asked.

Walking into my room I grabbed my bag off the bed and placed it on the chair near the study table. I pulled out my text books and placed them on the table. Grabbing my glasses as well I put them on and start to focus on my studies.

There were an enormous amount of diseases linked with the brain. They were all really interesting though. I don't why but the fact that the brain is such a new concept, it intrigues me so much.

Maybe it's also because I don't know what humans are thinking half the time. I flipped through the pages taking as much information in as possible.

I highlighted the main points and made notes in my book accordingly. Studying was one of my main activities. I'd have a plan for each day, it usually consisted of what I studied and when I should study.

I liked being organised, I liked everything to run the way it should be. I like to get good grades and keep my revision up therefore I have no time for distractions, though studying itself was a distraction for me.

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