You Belong With Me (edited)

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You Belong With Me: Taylor Swift
"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none." - William Shakespeare

Chapter Three: Zoella's POV

"No bring her along!" I insisted. Everyone around the table stared at me like I was insane.

"Zoe she won't like it" Katrina rolled her eyes and shook her head. I frowned when I saw the purple highlights in her hair. They looked nice on her but personally I wasn't fond of the colour.

"No! She will, trust me, I'll invite her"

"Zee, I know she's your best friend but she might be uncomfortable around us, like always." Louis added. I stared at him, brows furrowed together. I thought he knew Sabrina well but I guess I was wrong. They just don't understand. I cross my arms over my chest and leaned back into my chair.

"Zoe don't be angry. We aren't saying you can't invite her. We are just saying that she probably won't come" Augustus said as he wrapped his arm around Katrina.

"Don't even, you always stick with whatever Kat says" I rolled my eyes when Katrina gave me a glare.

"Speak of the devil" Louis laughs. I turn my head around and see Sabrina walk into the room.

"Sabbie! Come join us" I shout pointing at the table of pizza and drinks. She shook her head.

"No thanks" she said quickly before storming into her room.

"She doesn't even want to sit with you, what makes you think she'll say yes to your invitation?" Ashton joked with a sly smirk.

"Shut up! You're just an Idiot, can't you tell Sabbie is in a bad mood?" I snapped. I got out of my chair and stuck my tongue out at them before running back into my room.

Since we haven't really unpacked yet, there were boxes everywhere and it really was a challenge getting past them without hurting myself. When I finally got to the beds I saw Sabrina lying on her bed reading her Neurosurgeon book.

I sneaked up to her and grabbed the book off her and grinned like an idiot at her. She rolled her eyes and flipped over so that she had her back towards me.

"So?" I asked.

"So what?" She asks. I placed the book onto her shelf and sat down on the side of her bed. Both Sabrina and I had high ambitions. A neurosurgeon and a lawyer. I know that she will definitely succeed but I was not sure about myself.

"Why so grumpy?" I ask sighing. Just thinking about my future brings my mood down to its minimum.

"Well I went over to my mum's house for dinner... During shopping my mum saw Katrina..." She trailed off. She left the puzzle piecing to me and I sighed again.

"Let me guess, she probably dissed Kat in front of the whole family..."

"Basically.... But I spoke up this time" she sits up suddenly, making me lose balance and almost fall off.

"You spoke up? Or did you burst?" I laugh. I've been friends with her for too long to actually take her "speaking up" as a normal chat. Knowing Sabrina, she probably went full on ninja on her mother, it's either that or nothing.

She either keeps everything to herself or wait until the last straw and explode. She looked like she was going to come at me with one of her smart comebacks but then her shoulders drooped and she sighed.

"I burst, which is why I'm upset..."

"Upset because you stood up for what you believe and like?" I ask frowning.

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