A- Annoyed

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" Wake up" I heard my best friend said as she tickles the side of my ear

I pretended like I was still sleeping

" Hey Yugin, wake up now" She shouted, I heard how annoyed she is right now

I covered my body with the comforter and stretched my foot to kick her out of the bed

" Ouch.. you bitch" She cursed

I heard she walks out, so l continued sleeping

Minutes past when I heard she shouted and when I feel water splashed on my bed

" FUCK" I shouted as I stood up from the bed

" Now you are awake!" Shania said while putting her hands on her waist

" Like, What the hell?" I eyed her

" You keep on messing me by pretending like you were still sleeping then you'll suddenly kick me off from the bed, it hurts you know" She added as she placed the pail near the door

" You don't really need to pour the whole bucket of water right in my bed! Shania!" I shouted back

" I didn't just half of it" She said and laughed

" Look how wet my bed is, how wet I am now"

" And? Who's fault it is?"

" Fine I lost again, It's saturday for pete's sake why do you need to wake me up at 9:30 in the morning? You know I wake up late every weekends right?" I mumbled as I put off the comforter and the bed sheet

" Well, you promised that you'll join me go shopping later right?" Shania answered as she helps me carry the wet comforter outside to drain

"Here let me handle that" She said as she slowly placed the wet comforter on the clothesline rigs "And please stop calling me Shania that's too girly SHA is fine" She added

"K" I answered back

"By the way, why do we need to go to the mall at this early? We can shop at 1pm right?" I asked her while I went to the chair near us.

" Well because we are going to meet Rove and Liezl later, Rove told me that they are going to treat us milktea" Sha said

" AARRGGHH. Just for foods you woke me up too early, seriously ?"

" Duh, Stop being an over acting gay over there please, we both know that we can't afford to buy those kind of expensive drinks DUH" She said as she tucked her tough hair

" Hey, are you not using conditioner? Your hair is harder than my crotch you know"

" I use it once, we only have 2 packs of shampoos and conditioners left, we should know how to save our things, my parents will send my money at the end of this month and yours will be one week after the end of this month so you are POORER than me"

" Duh, I still have enough for my allowance here" I showed 1,500 Baht " How about you?"

" Well I still have 1,000 Baht?"

" So whose richer?"

" You, but still we can't afford those drinks so please stop comparing my things over yours" She said as she run inside the house

" HAHAHA, Hey wait for me" I shouted and followed her inside

After we eat and took a bath we went to the SIAM square since we need to meet our two richest friend

Ususual I used my Louis Vuitton bag and wallet

" Hey that bag and wallet of yours is over used" Sha shouted while following me walking out from our smelly dormitory

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