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Yesterday is history tomorrow is mystery today is a gift that's why its called present

" See even the news on the television is giving you a hint on what to do on your present life" Sha said as she point the quote on the television

" Can you please, shut it, i'm sleepy and besides we have an early appointment with Jonh, Nojh and all their staff for interview tomorrow" I said

" Aww yes, We need a beauty rest" She answered

" You just need a rest, you will never be as beautiful as me" I said as I lay down on my bed

" Who told you that you are beautiful?"

" My mother" I answered while yawning

" Uhhm. That's why you grew up being a liar, your mother taught you lies" She said as she slowly crawl up to our bed

" Bitch" I shouted and kick her off the bed

" What the hell, that hurts" Sha said as she groaned in pain

" I'm sorry, I didn't mean it" I said and winked

" Be thankful I'm not in the mood to fight you back, or else you'll show your face in front of them full of scars and bruises"

" K. Then" I said and shut my eyes

" I'll turn the lights off?" Sha asked

" Uhhmm"

" Sha are you sleeping already?" I whispered

No answer, it means she's already sleeping

I took a glance on my cellphone to see the time

" What the? Its 3:30 in the morning already?" I murmured

Why the hell I can't sleep?

I think I need to take a quick shower to refresh my body and soul

I slowly crawl up to bed and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower, I turned the shower on and the heater as well, JOKE kidding a side, I just remembered we don't have shower on this poor dormitory, So I went back to our kitchen and boiled water.

I played my phone when a sudden text message appeared

" See you later" unknown

" Who the hell?!" I replied back

" Hey! why are you still awake?" The unknown number replied back

" Whos this?" I replied back again

" Ow, This is Jonh" He said

Why am I smiling? Why does my heart skips a beat whenever I hear or read his name? I really need to have my annual check up

" I can't sleep, I'll take a quick shower first" I replied

" Okay then" He said

" Good night,Sleep well, see you later" I replied back

That's all? No sweet talks?

I keep on waiting for his response until the water boiled, I immediately stood up and carried the kettle poured the hot water on the pale of cold water, I measured the temperature of the water by adding cold water, After making sure that the temperature is enough, I started taking a bath


I already counted thousands of sheeps but I still can't sleep, why the hell!

I took my phone and saw many notifications, I opened it and the viral video of Yugin appeared on my screen

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