Hell yeah!I'm wasting my time with a JERK!

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I felt bad for Emma but I don't want her to get involve in this.

"okay!since your bestfriend is gone!,",he stopped and wink at me a devilish wink.

"you can go too,guys!"he said to his friends

  When his gang were nowhere to be seen..I was shocked when he grabbed my hand.

"come with me!"He said

"Hey!where are we going!???let go of my hand!I know how to walk by myself!",I yelled,but it seems like he didn't hear me..

"Ouch!",he shouted because I step on his right foot just to let me go.

"what do you think you're doing huh?!"he added angrily.

I cross my arms over my chest and rolled my eyes.

"Angels hate devils!,get it?",I sassed

" so you're telling me that I'm the devil and you're the angel?!",he said in annoyance


"wow!sometimes you're smart huh!",I said sarcastically.

He smiled at me,a devilish smile,my heart start beating fast,I don't know what he's thinking but I know it's not good.

He move closer into my ears and I could feel his breath.

"yeah!I'm an evil!,and I'll show you the real me",he whispered into my ears.

  I glared at him,what's that supposed to mean?.,this jerk is getting into my nerves.

"so??,are you going with me?,or I'll kill you?",he threatend

     His looking at me seriously,I'm afraid maybe his serious in his words.I nodded in fear.

"good!",and he quickly grab my right hand.

   When we reach the parking lot he open the door of his car and let me in.

"fasten your seatbelt",he said in a commanding tone as usual.

  I took a deep sigh and did what he said,why did he care if I didn't want to fasten my seatbelt,Jerk!.He started the engine,I focused my attention on the road,I'm totally pissed off right now!I should be spending my time with Emma right now!ugghhhh!I really hate this jerk!.I didn't notice that we finally stop in front of a restaurant?,seriously?

"restaurant?seriously?!",I sassed

"why?? do you expect me to bring you somewhere else???",he fired back.

"I'm hungry and you're the one who gonna pay for the bill",he added and he climbed out of the car.

"do you plan to stay there for years?!",he shouted while walking inside the resto.

   I rolled my eyes and unbuckle my seat belt,I followed him inside and sat where he was,look at this jerk flirting with the waitress,ugghh!!so  disgusting Mahone!

"so...I ordered our food",he said proudly

"oh!well..thank you but I'm not hungry and besides,you're hungry right?so you better eat well",I sad sarcastically

  He smirk and leaned in.

"are you sure about that?",

"a hundred percent,YES!",I replied confidently and he sat back.

    Looks like I'm winning in this game huh!,minutes passed and the food finally arrived.Pizza?,Pasta with garlic bread oh god!,my favorite!,does he know it?

"you sure of that huh!,I'm gonna eat all of this!,just stay put there.",he smirk

  This guy really know how to pissed me off huh!,don't tell me he planned all of this.I didn't  realized that I'm spacing out until he stood up and start to talk.

"come on!,I'm taking you home",and he started to walk.

"hey how about the bill??,waiter!",I shouted but he quickly grabbed my hand.

"Don't worry I already pay for it."

"WHAT?!,I thought I'm the one who gonna pay for it!?!"

"well maybe next time!,get in!"

"seriously?",I whispered in desbelief

   We're not done yet?,uggghh!,I don't want to be dragged by him again!what should I do?!

He is a soccer player(Austin Carter Mahone fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now