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vi. very first bike rides


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APRIL AMBROSE NEVER THOUGHT SHE WAS THE MOST INTERESTING TO LOOK AT. But, she was confident enough to know that she wasn't hideous. Perhaps, she was just a bit plain. A bit boring even. With her eyes of blue which were so dull they could be mistaken for grey and the frizzy mop of curls on her head. Sure, she wasn't hideous but she sure wasn't eye-catching either. Nonetheless, she appreciated herself for what she had. Working limbs, a pretty smile. Two of her favourite things.

That certainly didn't stop the longing she had for her older sisters long hair of deep brown and bright eyes. It was like with Holly, she got all her features saturated and with April, she got them all faded. Which was odd, all things considered. Holly was always so pessimistic, if her personality was a colour, it'd simply be grey. April, on the other hand, was already so happy. She'd be coloured yellow in no time.

Perhaps, this is why she found herself dressed in pale pinks and blues and yellows, all to brighten up the faded tone of herself. She didn't mind though, she thought these colours were pretty. She thought they made her look pretty too, made her look less plain.

And, so, she found herself pacing her bedroom, a comb in her hand as she brushed through her bangs. Dressed in a loose pair of light washed jeans and a white and blue floral cami. She had taken Stan's and Eddie's advice seriously, steering clear from her usual dresses and towards the barely ever worn jeans that sat in the back of her closet as well as dousing herself in the bug spray, (not that she wouldn't of if Eddie hadn't told her. April was terrified of bugs. The thought of their buzzing alone made her blood run cold). She finishes with her hair, walking towards her mirror and checking her reflection. She wanted to look good today. After all, this would be the first time she ever hung out with anyone who could become her friends.

Smiling at her reflection, she notices her lips about to crack from dryness. Shaking her head and reaching towards her vanity drawer, shuffling through it until her hand touches her strawberry Lip Smacker, uncapping it and slathering it across her lips and smacking them together until she's satisfied. Tossing the lip balm into her jean pocket along with the friendship bracelets she had made two days before. Huffing out a breath, she turns towards her bedrooms door and exits.

It was 11:55 and Bill had said he'd be by around 12:00. She skipped down the steps of the staircase and into the living room, seeing her parents sat in the couch, watching some boring television show. April recalls Holly telling them at supper the night before that she'd be out with that boy, Alexander Egan. The boy who'd her eyes would follow with a twinkle.

𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀 𝘀𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲, ( 𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝗻𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 )Where stories live. Discover now